Art book w/ a "Sneak Peak at OW2" comes out today

According to Amazon and other retailers it is out now and available for purchase, no customer reviews yet though

I heard literally nothing about anyone owning it today, and i kinda have to rely on american people to see if it was… actually released in the first place. (cause the canadian release has a few days of delay)

They did this before every delays to it too so i wouldnt take that into account. None of my friends even heard of it being shipped so…


I haven’t seen it yet at Barns and Noble today

I got the book.

It comes to me this Thursday.

I’ll update y’all


oh, you actually got a delivery notification and all? That’s a bit reassuring i figured they’d just delay it again lol

Put the pictures on reddit or something. Don’t think it’s a good idea to post them here.

Why not post them here?

Hey hey guys, you know Sojourn well she’s a hero isn’t that cool, oh we told you 2 years ago, but it’s still cool right guys guys where are you going guys? please don’t play valorant guys?

That’s my interpretation.

I’m getting mine n a few weeks, like the 6th of Jan? Guess it’s slower to release in the UK.

Yeah it releases a bit later on other countries. Including those literally right next to the usa lol

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That makes me a big sad.

Yeah, its kinda why we have to rely on USA people to know if its actually coming out this time around or if we are set to have yet another delay.

tho i sincerely doubt it but wouldnt it be neat if a gift surprise would be showcasing new heroes in that book? probably not since it would have been leaked somehow. it will probably be the new maps we have seen in the beta and sojourn maybe. also maybe npc’s for the pve mode that we have seen already in presentations

they will also probably show the concepts and draft designs of the new costumes for the current heroes. that would be cool

I don’t expect much else but perhaps early ideation/concept arts for stuff we have already seen like sojourn, battle of rio or already revealed maps. But if there is anything new in it hero-wise it’d be neat.

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Well I hope it’s big news and I don’t miss it, I do have the original art of OW but it’s very outdated now.

The best thing they could realistically reveal from ow2 are some of the new hero’s weapons and some maps concepts.
Nonetheless i think that some weapons reveal would be sick but as always, we should not hype up for this.

Bump, I wanna know updates

Just a small smidgen of hint of a new hero. No Junkerqueen, no Mauga, no Sojourn, no dreadlocks omnic, I want something NEW :pleading_face:

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I preordered mine over a year ago, my amazon says it is to be delivered by 10 PM tonight, but it also hasn’t shipped yet. I’m not sure what’s going on but I am becoming a bit miffed.

For anyone interested, someone already aquired the book and they posted the OW2 stuff to reddit. OW2 "Sneak Peek" (Art of Overwatch Vol.2)

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I hope people didn’t get the book sorely for that preview cause yikes if so :grimacing: