Besides when it releases (could be 5 weeks or 5 mins from now for all we know.)
But what is it:
Sym healing turrets
1/3/2 (with proper changes)
WB Flamethrower
New Hero (that was dropped before)
Something new we haven’t heard of
1/3/2 (the same as before)
Genji Wall Stop Ability
It’s was canceled before release.
A Map that was never released
a feature
practice room stuff.
Sym healing turrets
Kinda wish we got more context which way we are going…
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I basically said all the likely possibilities I could think of.
But if anyone else has something please continue.
Why is everyone expecting healing turrets? Did I miss something?
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I don’t know, Jeff said an experimental is coming where it failed and won’t come In the game but he said he still wants people to try it out so a lot of people are speculating it might be support Symm
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It was a failed thing, so it could come
It won’t happen. If they had just given Symm a way to do low healing like Zen while being able to TP people from spawn or give them 75 shields, but with something else while remaining 2.0, she would’ve been perfect in the support role. Maybe increase her old beam length but force it to break on LoS, keeping lock-on, though. Just LoS check like Hack.
Maybe only 30 HPS when going to place a turret near a target and hit shift again to turn it into a heal turret like pressing Q again for her old ult, turning it into a 30 HPS heal turret, maybe only 1 turret allowed to heal, perfect.
It’s extremely low healing, but allows her to heal a bit while being a true support through zoning and utility.
we’re not sure what order they will be going up just yet but we’re hoping one goes live sometime next week. sometimes things come up and those dates change so please manage expectations accordingly.
It’s not going to be this week. It’ll be the 21st at the earliest.
Thank you. If it’s really Symmetra we have to flood the forum to keep it no matter what. I would play her 24/7.
But it seems unlikely to me. The devs don’t listen to Symmetra Mains.
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We need to flood the other forums too.
There are a few black sheep heroes they don’t listen to, sadly… Symmetra is also one of them. She didn’t even need nerfs back in September when she got them.
She was meta for literally one week until people realized DF and Reaper were better for ignoring shields while she takes a millennia to both ramp up and keep doing damage to shields. By the time she broke a shield with her damage, one was already back.
She didn’t deserve it and they refuse to fix it for some reason.
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Patches around Sym have been questionable
Like the Sym beam change (from like 2 years ago)
Went from 10 meters to 12 meters…
That’s all they did that one time.
Stop reading into too much of what he says. It’s all hype and vague statements just to keep you guessing.
They do experiments all the damn time. Game development is experimenting.
They’re afraid of making her good because of how hated she is by the overall community. Sombra, Mei, Mercy, and Moira are also in this boat.
While Mercy is doing the best of all the listed heroes, she’s still not keeping up with a lot of the support roster. Moira is the same in higher ranks now.
Surprisingly Zen hasn’t been buffed either. He’s been struggling for a while and is one of the fan favorites for supports.
It is sheer luck for any of these heroes to be buffed.
Literally stuck with nothing to think about with really bad music playing like water torture
5 days a week for half a day each
I will take anything at this point
It’s probably purposefully vague enough to stir interest and conversation before it gets released. Think “JJ Abrahms” and his complete inability to create an interesting movie, but does readily produce hype via mystery box.
You’re being Mystery Box’d. The content will be a letdown no matter what, but you’re building the hype and stirring conversation about the game for them in the meantime.
It won’t be any new content that requires Art assets or animations that are not already in the game.
So that would cross out 4. 9. and 10. 13.
stuff like 3. 7. could be possible but unlikely as that code most likely never left the Private test servers
- and 12. could be completely reasonable as well (you most really want to try it)
Honestly healing turrets could be completely functional if of course you could set the target.
press interact while pointing at hero will give that hero priority while in range. otherwise heal the closes hero to the turret.