Are you kidding me? (Season 10 rant)

The only thing that changed in comp was brigitte was added? Am I hearing this correctly? I’m not going insane right? It’s been months since they changed anything in comp and now that they added brigitte it will be even worse. Competitive already had issues before but we thought “Oh season 10 will save us from this nightmare”, “Oh they will add role que”, “They will finally fix matchmaking”, “Maybe they will fix the leaver issue”, “Maybe they will fix the smurfing issue”, “maybe they will fix the one trick issue”, “maybe they will fix the million other problems we found with the game” but what do they do? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. This is insane blizzard, we forgave you time after time because you took too long to change things and we understood that changing things took time and a lot of effort, but I think we’ve waited for far too long. This season will be terrible, I already know it. Do you want to know how I know? Because this is basically season 9 but with the ability to play brigitte. How could you let this happen? Just how? We told you multiple times about the issues we’ve been having and your answer is adding brigitte? Makes no sense. (Sorry if my rant was too long, just mad that they didn’t change anything)


Yeah because a giant block of ranting text is going to fix the problem.

As annoying as it is, they’ve made it clear that they’re against Role Queue and that there were no “quick fixes” to Comp’s problems without making new ones.

As for leavers…We just need to let that go. The system will never have the capability of telling the difference between a rage quit leaver and someone who’s internet screwed him over. The punishments need to be harsh but not harsh enough to make the D/C guy feel like even more **** than he already does when it happens.

Blizz is slow as a dinosaur with fixing their games problems, but they do eventually.


Expect plenty more of these threads.

I agree with the OP, btw.


I see where your coming from but I feel like I can criticize this season already because I played last season (this season is basically the same as the last one) and already played against brigitte (who’s now in comp) and I think it will be a really bad season because comp has problems and everyone knows that, but the fact that they didn’t change anything and that they added a broken hero made me really mad. Also I haven’t played or queued in this season yet.

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It’s baffling to me that Blizzard haven’t even acknowledged the problems with Competitive, let alone done anything to fix it.

Competitive has been getting worse and worse since about Season 5.

On console, where there’s a more casual attitude taken towards Competitive, it’s especially frustrating to play Comp all season long because of throwers/griefers/trolls/smurfs.

Blizzard need to step in and fix the main things wrong with Competitive:

  • add backfill to Competitive to overcome the problem of leavers (

  • make team chat compulsory for Competitive matches (mute toxic people if you have to, but good team communication is essential for winning consistently)

  • lock doing placements for the 1st 2 weeks of the season. If you don’t do your placements by then, bad luck. See you next season.

  • change the SR system so it’s a true reflection of individual performance and not a reflection of a given team’s performance. Compare a player’s performance to the average of players playing given hero(es) at a particular level. If player did better than average, irrespective of whether match was a win or loss, then their SR goes up (and goes up more if it was a win). Consequently, if they did worse than average, their SR goes down (less if it was a win).

  • do away with the automated reporting system. Have silences/suspensions applied only after manual review (and better educate GMs into what is and isn’t a reportable offence, as well as make sure they understand false reports are a real thing)

  • make it so only main account can play Competitive. Smurfs/alts/whatever you want to call them can only play Quick Play/Arcade/Custom games.


You should really look back and see how authoritarian and a massive PR nightmare Blizz would have if they implemented these “fixes.”

"have to do your placements in the first 2 weeks or you’ll never get to after? "Really? You really don’t see how much of a **** show would come from that?


It’s 2018. Blizzard undoubtedly have the tech to be able to differentiate between an unintended disconnection and a rage quitter/troll leaver.

Regardless, as I mentioned above, all Blizzard need to do is add backfill to Competitive and the leaver problem is solved.


Granted it’s not an ideal solution, but it would do away with the problem of people doing their placements in the last couple days of a season and throwing them.

since this is the rant thread of season 10 F THIS GAME AND THIS CRAP MATCHMAKING SYSTEM! that felt good :slight_smile:


Someone else will change, the amount of tears from Genji and Tracer mains will be massive! XD

OWL comes first, player base second.
Remember that


Blizzard is capable but unwilling to make a real matchmaking system. Imbalance makes great twitch streams. Blizzard is in the money making business. Real matchmaking would require too much investment and people will play without changes so why change? THis game is buns compared to Fortnite a free game on PC and Console. Fortnite makes No attempt to be balanced and nobody tries to make you believe that they are making any effort to balance it. Blizzard makes its money on the subscriptions. IT doesn’t make any money on matchmaking. Disclaimer: Im short on ATVI .


Middle of Season 9 they added ‘avoid as team mate’ feature. I’m grateful they rolled it out then instead of waiting until Season 10, like they said they’d do for major new features/maps/characters. It’s not insignificant.


You really need to calm down.

Fix the one tricking issue? Mate you have majority of your time on just genji then the rest is on other DPS heroes that are dime a dozen.

Also why would one tricking be an issue and how do you expect blizz to fix that or smurfing? Can just imagine it now from jeff “Okay guy’s despite you paying for this video game we have implemented a new patch so that if you play a hero in a match then that hero is locked out the hero pool for the next 7 matches so it adds diversity to team comps.”

Jesus if you don’t enjoy the game just quit or stop playing comp.


So just do nothing right?

wasnt Brigitte playable in Season 9 aswell? Or did i halucinate the whole time? oO

Not as much of a **** show as a bunch of morons who never play comp coming in the last few days and ruining game after game after game for the l337 6unz.

For real. It’s a problem, and I 100% agree that if you miss your window, you miss comp this season. Don’t show up for the draft? Can’t play the season.

Backfill comp?!? Yeah I already join too many qp games that are losses. I dont need that in comp too. kthx


Avoid as teammate was intended to be a season 10 feature. They finished designing it early however and gave it to us sooner.

Season 10 was not changeless, we got Avoid as teammate which I’d argue is a VERY large and helpful update for solo-q’ers such as myself

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