Add me, V73X#1959 (NA servers)
Hey my battletag is Pitch #2369 i play:
tank:, Reinhart, Winston
heal: Zen, Lucio
dps: Junkrat, Reaper, soldier 76 , Pharrah and bastion (if needed)
i actualy go up and down between 1700 and 2200 sr
Been gold 11 times. Looking for constant teamwork. Please add me RX78#1956
I’m 1600-1700 this season, recently transitioned from console where I usually placed 2300+
Can flex and I have mic etc!
Hello friend.
I’m a support main, zen/moira currently can flex to soldier/reaper/rein/dva
I just climbed yesterday went on a nice winning streak going from 1700 to 2164 in a day, only 3 losses.
Note I have played the game since it started, although recently I am able to play a lot more hours and really start getting better at the game.
I’m currently focusing my play on doing call outs, watching flankers, peeling my squishy friends etc.
Want to get more in depth in the finer points of the actual game.
Want to climb more too!!
uh hi, i can play whatever honestly, but i prefer playing tank and dps
i just want to get out of elo hell lmao
my sr is 2237
Hey man i was placed 700 this s9. Rn at 1900. Lets group up add me Actsssassin#1412
Shaaa here, im a 2410 sr player and like to hit plat this season, therfore im in for some fun! bt: Shavaaa#2108
Pls add for Duo. Hazzzard#2974