Are you a legacy user?

Lifeweaver Legacy controls or nah?

Im a legacy user.


Only Big Brain players kept the Legacy/OG controls for LW.

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I use the OG controls.


Trying to be a legacy user for the better movement with his dash but struggling TT just weird a bug when I rebind my keys which causes petal platform to interrupt my healing blossoms :frowning: and ofc the general clunkiness of his two fires. I really hope they streamline how the control customisation works for him…

I thought you changed OW for DBDL?

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I did. The last year or so of Overwatch Uno. The queue times broke me and I left the game for an extended period of time. From Nemesis until Wesker. I have not played since. I will definitely be back for Jason, however. Might even return for Castlevania depending on what they do. I have no idea. I thought I would return if they ever added the Xenomorph or Charles Lee Ray. I just… Never did.

I have to be honest, I have been having fun with Overwatch. I understand everyone else is salty and whatever. I totally get it. The game is not peachy. That being said, I feel as if I have brain damage!


I switched a little while ago and am now fully used to Legacyweaver. I can’t imagine playing him any other way now :dancer: Dash slide jump go WHOOSH

Legacy is the best, been playing him since release.

I would if I didn’t have ADHD and forgot what all my buttons did sometimes despite playing him since his release. u_u