Are we NOT going to mention that OWL is ruining heros like D.Va and sombra?

These 2 heros are good in OWL yet honest TRASH in ladder and keep getting nerfed / buffed yet still trash? I don’t understand why they balance the game around OWL and not GM’s that are on ladder? OWL sets unrealistic standards to these characters.

D.Va is a MUST pick in OWL… yet sucks on ladder? And we’re going to ignore that?

Sombra is a GREAT pick on OWL and yet sucks on ladder? And were going to Ignore that?

OWL is ruining this game because the 1% gets to be able to balance the game. Please fix the games and balance the game around ladder instead of the 1% who plays overwatch as a JOB.

D.Va on ladder: Last pick tank in masters and 2nd to last pick tank in GM.

Sombra on ladder: Last pick on DMG in masters and 2nd to last pick on GM.


As much as we ask, Blizzard isn’t going to change.

Sad. Honestly. These 2 characters are suffering on ladder because of the 1% who get to decide.


who told you owl players balance the game???

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Its probably hard to balance a game this complicated for pros who practice as teams all day and different parts of ladder. They gotta figure something out though, its not great that some heroes only work in the environment the top 5% play in, and some only work in OWL.

Big oof for a game about inclusiveness.


Ijs, but D.Va isn’t even a must-pick in OWL anymore.


Sombra’s fine, she’s a hero whom you don’t really care if you win or lose, you have fun either way.

If they buff Sombra, they’ll probably do something else to her that makes her painful to play to discourage others from actually picking her.

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How about D.Va? What is she then?

Dva isn’t trash on ladder. I don’t know how you’re even comparing Dva to Sombra.

Sombra is an utility DPS. She is not taken for her damage but for her kit. She can not be buffed without making her either op, or leaving her still in place which she is right now. It is a logical consequence of how her abilities are overpowered, but really hard to use to get maximum value out of them. She will never be in a good spot, like hanzo or mccree, unless she suffers a rework, which i believe isn’t required. Some heroes must be last, if it’s not going to be Sombra, or, then it will be someone else.

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Sombras only great in OWL because the teams actually communicate with each other and Sombra is one of the most team-reliant characters. isn’t that much of a must pick either isnt a must pick in owl and sombra doesnt suck on ladder. also pros dont balance the game, the devs do. what they do with the meta info isn’t something the pros control. imo needs adjustments and sombra is mostly fine.

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She’s the last picked tank in masters and 2nd to last pick tank on GM. And streamers that play D.Va like emongg and Poko are forced to swap to sigma…

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They’re not even that good in OWL anymore, they cause their teams to lose.

It does happen sometimes. But is good now. She still suffer from Sigma release, but it is what it is. is still reliable pick in ladder, just not as good as she used to be. Sorry dude, but she probably is not going back to meta for now. Unless dive powercreeps, or Zarya gets heavily nerfed.

Sombra mains have mentioned OWL getting Sombra nerfed before, but have given up. Its pointless to point it out since most people dont care and devs dont either. They just listen to OWL it feels like

1% is actually the GM percentage, not OWL. You’re giving OWL too much credit. They are the 0.01% of the people who play OW, and I’m probably being generous still.


Someone is always going to be last or second to last. Streamers being forced to switch doesn’t mean anything; everyone is forced to switch when the hero isn’t working. God forbid Dva mains have to do it.

Dva hasn’t been trash tier since double barrier. I’m not saying she shouldn’t be buffed, but she isn’t in some dire need of them like before.

OWL isnt ruining anything, those picks are fine on ladder. I win more games with winston dva or orisa sigma on my team than i do with rein zarya. People on ladder just default to what they find easier to get value out of.

Calm down


I feel like Mei is a WAY better example.