Are We Just Gonna Ignore How Weak Supports Are Now?

I feel like you missed the forest for the trees. If nerfing a single character is the inherent cause of chaos with the entire category, then something is fundamentally wrong with that character.

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You forget that there’s been a faction to this game all along that finds healers and tanks an anathema and would be perfectly fine with an ALL DPS cast. Many of them hail from other FPS games where the concept of tank 'n heals are practically non-existent.

For the most part they’ve been winning this argument since the death of the tank meta. Somewhere back then the DEVs decided to water down healing overall so as to make for better spectacle to those watching the game on OWL.

The game from the non-DPS standpoint has been in slow and steady decline with one group inceasingly benefitting at the expense of the other. Face it it looks exciting when DPS makes a kill; and frankly watching healers heal is downright boring. Nevermind how it feels! When balanced for show DPS does indeed become very fun to play (and watch) and anything else begins to feel weighted against or set up.

At least that’s been the history of this game thus far. It started to change when OWL came on-line. It became less about play play and more about show show.


“Supports Are The Weakest Characters”
Looks at Brigette
Yep, this has to be a joke.

Brig has a base dps of 35, can potentially do 155 dps if she expends all but 1 of her abilities, and honestly, is picked in the middle of the pack in terms of supports. She can’t replace a main healer, and other off-healers provide better utility than her imho.

She really only works in brawler comps where Zen, Moira, Lucio, and Mercy are very flexible in the types of comps they can run in. I excluded Ana because of her lack of mobility, and if a shield gets between her and her team it’s very difficult to work around, especially since that means it’s a Winston and you only get one shot, one opportunity to save yourself.

This must be why I’m having better luck with Orisa than the other tanks this season. I didn’t think of how I was blocking their healers.

How? Zen was always viable even before Mercy became meta.

Lucio is still a solid pick, it’s just that Zen is the better version of him.

Brig is a problem because she isn’t a support, she’s picked as a DPS.

Moira is/was fine. The only unnecessary nerf was her heal through barriers. She’s still a solid pick.

Then Ana is the support queen now.

No, false. Zen was viable before Mercy even dreamed of being meta. The OG dive was Lucio, Zen, Tracer, Genji, Winston, and Dva.

If Lucio heals less than Mercy, then it means Zen was just fine before she entered the scene. If he truly was weak, why wasn’t Lucio kept as the support next to Mercy over Zen?

And who says that supports should be expect from being countered AND/OR from switching? Why do they have to be a jack-of-all-trades which is viable in each and every situation?

Do you realize that the supports and Tanks have defined every meta except Dive? DPS are just the picks who get filled in the gap or weakness of the meta. Dive was the first meta to utilize common attributes, not raw power.

Yeah, and it should stay that way. Also, news flash. Brig pretty much eradicated Dive.

No other support has the luxury of healing through barriers, except Mercy. This is not a problem.

You suck it up buttercup.

oH wOw dOoMfIsT cAn pUnCh tHrOuGh bArRiErS, bUt wHaT aBoUt SoLdIeR oR mCcReE?!?!/1/!?!

Healing through barriers is a problem? Go Mercy. That or play closer with your team. Ana is not fully crippled by Range a la being too close. To keep her up, jyst have your other support pay attention to her.

Ahahaha. Ah, the melodrama…

Oh boy-

whatface.jpeg. Anyone is a sitting duck when their mobility is on CD. THATS WHY POSITIONING MATTERS, ALONG WITH WORKING WITH YOUR TEAM TO KEEP YOU UP.

Why are you expecting a support to be a 1 many army and win? THAT was the problem with Mercy.

You have a nasty habit of pointing out weaknesses WITHOUT the foreknowledge of their strengths to counteract it.

Because it doesn’t need to be any better. She is not a DPS. The “multiple heros” only applies to the enemy, as she can already heal multiple people with her main heal meter.

It’s not suppose to heal like a ping-pong ball nor heat seeking missile. Maybe aim for the ally rather than trying to play pinball with them. It does have wonky refraction sometimes, but that should not degrade the fact that it is a strong ability still.

Oh, 3 heros in a game with 28. Wow such F-tier. Much Throwing.

Oh, wow. That must mean there aren’t any main healers. I didn’t know healing though barriers classifies you as a main healer. By that standard, Zen is a main healer since he can heal through a barrier for 3 seconds when his orb is on an ally.

Because god knows 2 don’t already exist. This whole thread is bloated because you refuse to acknowledge the strengths of the other main healers. You are caught up in weeping about Mercy being nerfed that you don’t realize that the dynamic of the game just changed. It’s not anarchy since people aren’t playing supports that can’t heal through barriers, but rather you simply communicate to you team to stay in LoS of Ana. You pick counters to both counter Ana, and protect her.

Oh yeah, sure I am. I love it when I lose to a Rein as Bastion, all because he’s getting the best heals in the game bar-none.

Or how about Pharah? I love dealing with at least 1 hitscan a game now that Ana is back in play. ON TOP OF the fact that Ana doesn’t have the luxury of a lock-on beam like Mercy has. I’m relly enjoying myself trying to hunt for healthpacks over Ana trying to heal me.

Yeah, you get punished for poor positioning now. Go figure Mercy would degrade everyone’s capabilities to play defensively.

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More healing is a crutch for bad play. Remember that, take it to heart, and embrace the only phrase relevant to this discussion, GIT GUD.
This is also coming from a Tank main. And here is also saying with Ana as a meta healer, and you are getting LESS heals. HOW? Now the question you have to ask yourself is WHY. Are you ignoring your healers lines of sight? Are your healers constantly getting dived. If so what are you doing to stop that from happening?

If anything, in an ana dominated meta, you should be getting more healing more quickly. What you are telling me just doesn’t make sense. Pay more attention and revise your gameplay, because tanks haven’t felt this good and effective in a LONG TIME. With mercy gone, you can literally stop people from being healed and outplay healing. To do that you have to take the initiative and engage first rather than try recover from being engaged on. It got harder in one way and easier in another. Just learn the new metagame, it does not need to be changed just because you don’t understand it yet.

The average team in GM on PC has 2.2 tanks. DPS are actually the least important and least viable heroes.


I’m a tank main in plat that will flex support, healing has been zero issue for me.

the two issues i see for the support line is , i think mercys ult is pretty weak comparted to the other supports.

but more importantly i think Lucio’s ult really needs looked at , its too easy to counter , and having to slam the ground feels bad to play on a character that designed to be wallriding 95% of the time.

His ult is one that only really sees value at top level play because those fights are alot shorter and all about burst fast kills.

You do realize triple support is the strongest comp in the game and even Zenyata/Lucio or Brigitte/Lucio is viable right? Players went seasons with Zenyata/Lucio before they got spoiled by Mercy pockets and now that dive can play with 3 tanks it doesn’t even need that much sustain anymore. All light healing comps take is self sustaining Characters to work just fine and that’s pretty easy to do with Dive Tanks and Sombra or maybe a Soldier 76, Reaper, Doomfist, Tracer or Roadhog as a DPS.

It kind of just sounds to me like you are playing Winston badly and seriously underrating Zenyatta, Zenyatta/Lucio/Sombra is really strong on quite a few points right now.

I understand your concern but I completely disagree, this season has been the best I’ve had since the start of the game as a Support main. I feel empowered and look forward to every match now.

I am sorry you’ve been having issues, I hope you have fun in your games soon :c

how dense must you be to say ana is weak in the ANA META?
Brigitte is still as powerful as ever, Lucio is the best combo with Ana and Moira is situational, but useful when the situation calls for her.
Zen has fallen a bit due to the disapparence of Mercy, but he’s still played. Mercy is the only healer that now is considered “the worst”, all the other healers are all considered powerful in the right situation.
Ana especially is meta defining right now.

And dps haven’t been meta in a long time. Hanzo and Widow were the only viable ones for months and now they fall back due to nerfs and tweaks to other heroes.
There are very few dps that are considered good and in general they come last based on what tanks and healers you have in team.

The problem is not the support, its the CC and one shot everywhere.
Of course the supports will feel useless when your dps are getting instant killed constantly by widowmaker hanzo or doomfist. Or your tank get CC’d and instant melted because burst damage in this game is way too high.

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It’s a damn shame.

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I’ve noticed how hard it is to heal in some situations - I had a game where there was so much damage - our tanks were getting shredded, me (Moira) and our Lucio couldn’t keep even one target alive.

I don’t exaggerate.

With the Sym and Hanzo reworks + Brigitte’s release, as well as Doom and Mei’s buffs, there’s been so much damage and it’s rough.

If your team are constantly rolling the enemy (which you need to keep them up to do) then you can get into a rhythm - otherwise, good luck.

It seems this game is steamroll or be steamrolled these days.

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If you are going to say that denying healing isn’t that good you do not have any idea on how to play support. Anti is one of the strongest abilities in the entire game. In certain situations it can have more impact than an ult.

I bought my console friend a $500 desktop (on sale).

We’ve been playing Overwatch together as a Rein-Mercy combo with Lucio often as the off-healer.

He rarely dies because I know how to peel for him, and we’re always in comms.

Mercy is not broken.
Mercy is not an Off-Healer.

As a Tank Main, Mercy has no problem healing any of the Tanks.

Mercy is one of the best main healers for Dive (in high plat, we do have dive. I’ve been in plat for a while, we also have tracers with godlike accuracy for anyone who says Plat can’t aim).

You pick Mercy when:

  1. She is your best support.
  2. The team comp isn’t Tank heavy.

She works pretty well for Dive, she’s decent with GOATs but Moira is better. She’s good in 2-2-2.

Mercy isn’t a bad pick right now in 2.9k or below.

The recent support changes have made the Support category stronger as a whole. Any support combo can be used for payloads, the meta is unrestricted, Ana is good, Zen is good, Mercy is good, Lucio is good, Moira is good.

The only difference is that now each healer has their own niche except for Mercy. Mercy has less of an impact in one area because she’s NOT a specialist healer. She’s the generic consistency healer.

Swap supports when being countered:

Zen —> when Dive is being run, or when enemy has Ana
Lucio —> when you need more healing for fewer targets
Mercy —> when you require a specialist healer (like Moira’s 80hps).
Moira —> when enemy is running Ana, or when the comp is spread out
Ana —> when you can’t aim, enemy has a doomfist, or you need better AoE healing

Mercy is the only generalist main healer we have, she’s also the most mobile. If played properly, she can be the sole support (as long as she is peeled for).

I’m NOT a good Mercy. But my lovely best friend hit Diamond from low Plat/high Gold with her.

Mercy players (usually) know how to play Mercy. The only difference is a playstyle shift, but my friend hasn’t had to since he’s played the same way since Valk 2.0 was added.

And it works.

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You forget the steady power creep — so much so that they had to add and brace shields in the game just to make playing bearable — shields too that also block Ana’s healing.

One a long time ago Ana could save a hero from being focus fired upon half of the time. Nowadays she barely has the same impact as she did.

The Ana of today is nowhere near the healing throughput of what was Mercy moments ago. Certain too she isn’t the Ana that was during the Tank meta.

The claim that healing itself is but a shadow of what it was actually does have merit.

if youre talking about most picked that would be because the dps category has a variety of viable heroes to play while support has 2 or 3 best picks and if you dont pick those heroes its a soft throw

Basically comp is only playable for certain people atm. BTW diamonds+ do not get to share an opinion, fun fact, you are the 1%.

Everyone below plat, or gold still needs strong heals.
Fun fact as seen live: everyone that plays lucio, moira, ana, zen and baguette below gold

A. do not heal
B. do not heal
C. do not heal

Becuase the dps is not strong enough, most of the time they need extra dps.

So what happens?
everyone just dies, becuase there is no healers to keep any tank/dps alive.

Also you get reported if you play Mercy, she is back at throw pick.

Fun times.

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