Are We Doing Enough to Shame QP Leavers?

you think the leavers it is only the big main problem on this game?

  1. you have leavers.
  2. millions of cheaters.
  3. millions of smurfs.
  4. de rankers.
  5. ppl who enter with 0 knowledge on comp and what is tank supp or dps is and this is match making fault btw this means the game its self don’t know what it is and when.
  6. boosting and nerfing roles.
  7. boosting teams.
  8. AI cheating.
  9. spawn kills.
  10. overtime for 1 eternity and not with 60 sec example timer.
    you want more problems on this game? i have few more and don’t be surprised the company do nothing for all of this problems.
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No, this is so stupid, it’s not competitive, you aren’t losing anything, if you want to play a game where people don’t leave them play comp.

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Yes you should be penalized for leaving the match, therefor leaving your team with the odds stacked even more against them

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no, they do not have any odds stacked against them in that situation. qp has backfill, so the team will be fine. he shouldnt be penalized because he wants to have fun in a casual gamemode, and therefore should be able to leave a game when it puts him in an unfun map.

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They should have a stern looking lady in a old timely nun outfit follow the leaver around ringing a bell and yelling “Shame” “Shame” “Shame” “Shame”.

Until you’re in a match that DOeSNT get back filled. How about you just grow up and play the match you signed up for? Even with backfill, your tram is short a person for however long it takes the new player to load the match, pick a character, and get to point. I’ve had multiple games where the spot was never filled no matter how long my team stalled

But leaving games as a whole should not be tolerable. One or 2, maybe 3 in a month? Fine. But players who frequently leave games should be more harshly punished, regardless of the game mode.

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not in the situation we were talking about. we were talking about when someone leaves as soon as it shows the map. in that situation you will have someone be backfill while you are still in spawn

how about you just grow up and realize that you are playing a casual gamemode? no one signed up for anything. you are not entitled to someone’s time if they queue for qp. go play comp if you are this serious about leavers in qp.

It’s still freaking QP. Same goes for Arcade. These are the casual experiences. If you want a competetive look at leavers… You could apply stuff like heavy penalties to leavers of ranked matches, but deffinatly not QP (or Arcade).

If someone dont enjoy the game and he leaves, its ok?
Also there are so various reasons for leaving a game. Some get bullied out for playing certain heroes, some get insulted, some other triggert by something. You can’t control this.
So no, there should be NEVER a harsh penalty for someone leaving a QP game.

So someone should just not be punished for leaving 10, 20, 30 games in a row?

Y’all are so weak :)))

You get a penalty?
It’s not a huge penalty but why?


QP is a casual experience (FOR FUN) if said person has NO FUN it’s ok if he/she/it leaves the game. I also doubt that ppl leaves 10 games in a row (honestly, the ONLY way this happens if you get loaded into 10 games in a row into Paris/Horizon/2cp what is pretty unlikely), in some time they will find a match that is enjoyable for them or just quit it and close Overwatch due to frustration.

I want you to not be allowed in QP in that case. Nobody likes you leavers. It’s called Quickplay, not Quickleaveifitdoesntgomyway

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What’s fun about leavers?

They should fix the horrid matchmaking if you want people to stop leaving games. Go ahead and take away levels as if you think that matters

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The QP matchmaker is such a mess, that it would just kill everyone who takes the game anything more than 5% serious’ fun, by punishing leavers to any major extent.

No you don’t. Receiving less xp is not a penalty. I’d say at this point like 85% of the community doesn’t care at all about xp.

Hyperbole. But the point is, yes, there are people who leave games excessively. Just, whenever they’re losing or see an undesirable team comp they just leave. These people should be punished more harshly.

Yes, you’re right, it’s for fun and you should leave if you’re not having fun. But, every time you leave, you are significantly damaging the fun every other player on your team is having, and while I still think you should leave games you aren’t enjoying, people who excessively leave matches should be punished, regardless of whether its casual or not. You wanna leave games every 3 seconds, play vs ai or in the game browser. It’s not acceptable in regular games regardless of being casual or not to leave matches excessively.

QP is fun if you’re REALLY high MMR and want to ruin a team of golds, and anguish if you’re a bronze player who gets placed against that same MMR player.

It’s even worse when there’s a bronze player on the same team as someone with a really high SR and MMR.


I’ve been profile snooping since launch, and ever since 2/2/2 it’s been like 5x worse on visible profiles.

“Why are you so serious? Do you want to know where I got these scars from?”

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My father was a drinker…and a fiend. And one night, he goes off crazier than usual.

ANYWAY my point stands. To be clear, I’m not saying just leaving qp games should be punished. But if you are leaving a lot of them, then there’s a problem.