So first they released a short story about him a month or two ago
Then today they add the Maximilian’s vault thing and got his voice actor back for the first time in years for it
Now they’re doing a storytime video, presumably a simple reading of that short story, but putting a weird amount of effort into teasing it
Idk, just seems like an unusual amount of focus on a character who hasn’t really been seen much of lately. If the PvE wasn’t cancelled, I’d assume it was PvE related. It also feels way too early to be teasing the next hero who won’t come out for around 3 more months. I just don’t know what else it could be though
Yay let’s all get excited to play as an accountant
Duck being a knight in shining power armour, a time travelling pilot or a despotic ruler of a town of criminals… my hero fantasy is being a penny pinching buzz kill…
Actually though, if they make him into a support who heals allies based on the value they provide the team I’m down then maybe my negative kd genji will actually attempt to do something instead of die over and over.
While a solid personality and at least actually lore connected, it’s tough to see him being a particularly exciting hero design. What with how slow hero releases are and how underwhelming much of the last few have been, I really hope they bring more oooph in 2025.
I guess I could maybe see him being a summoner type. Ngl, not my first choice for the role but it would make me a lot more interested in him.
Yeah obviously … but they would need lore to explain why he is actually fighting and we know how much blizz respects their lore
Yeah she can just magically survive being frozen for 9 years while everyone else in that same situation died.
the fact that she uses tech doesn’t go against the fact that her backstory is a stereotypical superhero origin story.
It is a well known trope that monks do badass and improbable things all the time, doctor strange is a surgeon who loses the use of his hands… Until he goes to a monastery and learns magic, many MK characters are monks from different religious sects that dedicate themselves to an element or an animal and get powers… Monks are just cool full stop.
The other pods malfunctioned/failed (it’s theorized they were not intended to be used as long as they were and it only happened because the OW shutdown was so sudden nobody remembered the ecopoint mission they were on)
She’s still just a scientist.
It’s still weird she’s actually fighting since her tech is limited to the gun and it’s not augmenting any other aspect of her physicality or capabilities.
And I LIKE Mei.
Max has shown in several scenarios he would rather deal than fight, I don’t even know if he can fight. He is a robot though, so it’s not like he can’t be augmented or changed.
New hero that spawns at a random point in the map crouching using a tablet and deploys PvE Talon units to control them. Either deploy 5 talon troopers, 3 enforcers, 2 snipers, 1 assassin or 1 heavy assault. Each of them with a price every respawn.
Each unit has a price and price of each unit as well as total coin balance based on… Well, game balance.
I’m not trying to say the characters we have aren’t cool, I’m just saying that several of them are just ordinary people using junk they have to be in the game. You can’t discount a character’s potential just because of their job lol
I could see him having a mechanic where he earns money mid match, and can use that money on his cooldowns to improve them. I like similar mechanics to that in other games, and he’s the only character in the franchise who’d fit with a mechanic like that.
There are options for a playable Max if Blizzard wants to do it.