Are they ignoring the bugs because they are working on OW2?
I guess. Maybe the Moira bug is intended and she’s just losing it
I’ve reported multiple bugs that have been in the game for years and my posts get lost in the forum and devs either don’t see it or don’t care
They always have, always will.
No, they are not. Blizzard typically does not respond to individual reports here and they also sort out what are actual bugs and what are likely end-user technical issues (disconnections, etc.) or are misinterpretations of how the game is played.
@WyomingMyst, You are correct with Blizzard not responding, however you kind of slap everyone in the face on this forum when you say they “sort out what are actual bugs”. Several users here take the free time to post legitimate issues with the game that get sorely unnoticed. Take the countless hog hook posts on here. Blizzard has not issued a patch that fixes Hog’s hook connecting but then letting people go. There’s videos posted all over YouTube with this happening as well. It’s not like Blizzard isn’t aware of the issues on here. Priorities dictate if and when they’ll fix those issues.
OP, to answer your question, they do still fix things every now and then, however the main focus is on OW2, meaning that bugs, technical issues, and other problems with Overwatch may go unfixed for longer periods of time.
The hook issue is a latency issue I’m pretty sure. It happens to all abilities and weapons. The servers run at 60 tick and the player’s latency added to that. If it looks like it hit on your screen, that does not mean that the enemy player is in that location on the server side because you always have outdated information on your game client.
Please explain how it’s a latency issue when the replays show hooks connecting and unhooking with no walls or hero abilities present. Again, just look up “Hog Hook” on YouTube. It’s been a problem for years.
idk tbh. There’s also the fact that the hitbox and the model of the hook don’t travel together, and that might have something to do with it. The hitbox and 3d model of the chain hook travel at different rates.
Sounds like a technical issue or a bug… wonder if there’s a place to let Blizz know about that kind of stuff.
Trueachievements web site
Look at the last time someone earned an achievement with reaper. 4+ months ago. No one has been able to get achievements on a launch character for over a quarter of a year. Pretty sure they are ignoring bugs. Ive reported this. Ive seen others report it with replays and times within the replays. They are ignoring bugs. I dont care about a weird hook in a weird spot of the map. I do care about players not earning achievements that take time, effort and circumstances to earn. Weird hooks come and go. Achievements are supoosed to be earned forever.
At this point I feel like they’re hiding the fact that they can’t do anything…by not saying anything. Which is worse than saying they can’t do anything in the first place.
I just wish that the level of transparency could be as good as Bungie’s. On Monday, they listed every known bug with the patch that would release the next day. They also respond to many of the bug reports. I’ve said it a lot on these forums, but Overwatch here could learn a lot from Bungo.
Please fix the voicechat This is not an individual issue, voicechat has been broken for months for everyone (everyone sounds super loud and distorted) and it hasn’t been fixed yet
yes the voice bug is getting really annoying, you will have voice chat for a little while then it just stops working in the middle of a match. And no this isn’t just an individual thing, many many people complain about this. Why has this issue not been in any of the patch notes. At least then we would know that its being attempted to be worked on.