Typically there’s a few skins I’m pretty meh about for each event, particularly Summer games, I’ve never really been wow’d by too many of those.
But seriously, this batch of skins for the Halloween Event are all top tier in my eyes.
What do you guys think? Which one is your favorite/least favorite?
These are all super great! The epics are kind of lacking imo, only a big fan of Roadhog’s, but all the legendaries are spot on!!
Specific shout outs to Draugr Rein for having my new favorite weapon skin of his and Vampire Bat Echo for being a really cool dark themed Echo skin.
These skins has blown my mind no cap, especially that fortnite Genji skin.
All of these are good except for Vampire Bat Echo.
…mostly, I just hate her face in it. It’s so blank. Otherwise it’d be fantastic.
Satyr Lucio was so good I actually bought it first instead of grinding to earn it. Disappointed there’s no custom sounds for it, though. I’d love the demonic panflutes like in his spray.
I think the Echo one is simply amazing. And I think the Moira emote is rather inspired (I actually giggled when I saw it).
The rest are okay/good. Except the Genji. It’s just some skeleton paint atop an otherwise normal outfit for him. It just feels a tad lacking.
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I’m really happy that Lucio got a good skin. While I wouldn’t say it was the best skin out of this batch, I don’t care for most of Lucio’s wardorbe, so Satyr’s extremely welcome in that regard. I spent the 3k credits for it right off the bat, along with the spray.
I’d say Echo’s is the worst of the bunch, but even then I don’t know whether I’d say it was bad. Maybe it’s just not as good as the rest of the skins and Ragdoll. I’d have to try it out and see for myself.
Honestly…. I dislike all but Genji’s Día de Los Muertos skin. I can appreciate the detail of the designs, but I’m just not a fan of any of them
Zarya got a new all-time best skin as far as I’m concerned, and yeah, I dig pretty much all of them.
Does anyone know if Lucio’s comes with different music?
The only thing i hate is that we didn’t get a mercy skin this time.
The legendary skins themselves look really good but i think bastions skin is the most boring and lazy of them all, like it’s just…There and the skin isn’t even that special in any way, lile it didn’t give me any reaction at all…Suuuper boring.
I also liked the epic skins!
Genjis skin looks sick! I love the design, and even for an epic it looks really good.
Roadhogs skin looks really good as well even tho i personally don’t even like his classic design, it’s still a very good looking skin! (i’m sad he didn’t get that balloon highlight intro)
Zaryas skin looks very awesome as well, like some type of viking vibes
even for an epic i feel like this could easily be one of her best skins, it’s just so good! I love her hair as well.
Even tho the hero picks was a bit depressing since rn i don’t play any of the heroes who got a skin ( maybe in ow2 ) i must say that the skins this event didn’t dissapoint me, all of them expect bastion are awesome.
They’re nice but not my cup of tea outside of Brig personally, granted, Halloween skins are rarely my favorites. I think Year 1 and 2 are still the strongest Halloween sets by far though.
I liked all of the skins, although Echo’s was a bit underwhelming, but it’s a red skin… and red is my favorite color, so I tend to find red looking skins extra cool. So the color makes her skin okay at least. If it was another color it would probably look ugly.
Brig’s skin is the best.
Einherjar Zarya
Clown Roadhog
Draugr Reinhardt
Vampire Hunter Brigitte
Vampire Bat Echo
Satyr Lucio
Coffin Bastion
Skeleton Genji
So yes, exceptionally good skins for this event 
Aww, I was hoping for some ominous organs
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Halloween Terror has always blown all the other events out of the water when it comes to skin quality. Good to know they’re keeping up that tradition 
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Halloween is the easiest event because you can make any skin for anyone and it fits because it’s a “costume.”
Besides the genji skin they’re all really good.
the cosmetics are good as a 7 but it would not be bad to put more details or exclusive voice lines as in the first ones, I say that I know that when Brigitte uses the rally organ music sounds, or that in Reinhart’s ulti when using the shatter get zombie hands out instead of the floor breaking