Are there so many cheaters or what?

That aim movement is very suspicious, but it might just be a smurf. Report them either way because they’re disrupting the matchmaking.

Just report and move on, your game is already over…

There always has been and always will. Blizztard dont care about the cheaters only making sure their pet heroes, Genji Mercy ect, are well buffed so the numbers look good and they can tell investors game is going well

Console is just riddled with XIM stacks.

That and obviously poor watchmaking.

Redownloaded to try Venture. Played a few matches and promptly uninstalled again.

There’s no way a competent developer wants this game on their resume.

Same, more than 1000+ hours and almost 0 cheaters…

Watched a lot of replays with supposed cheaters and got only one. :confused:

Good, it just means they have been reported a lot, could be anything…

Sure there are cheaters, but not as much as people think…

Be prepared. The forum shills looking for their moment as Forum MVP will ask you to post proof.

So, I watched the 1st 5 minutes of that game and :

  • His aim has nothing special
  • He is (maybe) a smurf
  • He doesn’t even know how to play lucio, but since it’s bronze it doesn’t matter
  • You have a 45-55% hit accuracy but can’t kill a lucio with 19 bullets fired in a 16 seconds duel
  • Since he teabagged you pretty early, I suppose you said something in chat about him but I could be wrong on that one (and you maybe reported him for cheating because you were mad about him)

So yeah he should be banned for smurfing but that’s all.

1-3 in most FPS games, identified by prominent AI anti-cheat developer. But sure, keep gaslighting.

What does that even mean? xD

And show us your last 3 games with the char we need to spectate to see if it’s true or not. ^^

I don’t care about a high school educated forum troll’s opinion on something. Simply google “Saving FPS Games - AI Anti-Cheat.” Go to 11 minute timestamp. These people have, unlike you, experience.


So you’re lying.

Ok, whatever floats your boat.

I’m glad you replied to the useful idiot comment first. Glad to know how you identify yourself.

I have. I back filled into a QP match where not only did this Cass’s team left but the other team left… they were 45 n 0 just at the other teams spawn. So me and my friend stayed the whole round cuz we wanted to to see play of the game. Dude was hitting head shots perfectly… so we reported and moved on.

Its really sad when people like to use hacks but they talk a big game… Turn off the hacks and see how big u talk them dude