Are There Maps Missing?

I’ve played a lot so far and I’ve watched a lot of streams and I have not seen any of these maps:

  • Blizzard World
  • Numbani
  • Havana
  • Rialto

Are they disabled right now?


Guessing they haven’t yet finished changing these maps to bring them into OW2.

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That’s sad. Rialto is one of the best post-launch OW1 maps they made.


They’re in custom games well most of them blizzard world, Havana, and Rialto are definitely in custom games. Numbani, Temple of Anubis, Petra, and Necropolis seem to be missing from the game completely tho.

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Blizzard World definitely. Which is a crying shame because it was a fabulous map - one of the best.

And if those streamers are playing comp, the comp map pool is actually limited. You can see by right clicking the comp card.

With that said though, I haven’t encountered any of those maps outside of comp anyway.

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We saw Necropolis on a Jay 3 video and they seem to be playing around with weather effects on it.

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When did this happen? I played Necropolis in a 3v3 elim game last night and it was way cool!


At launch. Necropolis still being in the elimination pool seems to be a bug. I don’t think it’s supposed to have the sandstorm :smile:


Yeah, custom games, but are they removed from the actual rotation for some reason?

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