It can’t be that he iš the only one of jis kind cuz what if one was lost in the desert and noone found that would be two and if some were on the sea floor then it would be more
There is always potential for Blizzard to reveal that Bastion isn’t infact the last Bastion. I kinda wish Bastion had another buddy to hang around with . But if they do announce that there is another Bastion unit out there, I think it will be a evil one that is still programmed to kill any humans on sight, unlike the Bastion we know today.
If there are any other Bastion’s left I imagine it would be one Null Sectors.
the Uprising events had bastions so that would suggest that null sector still made them in secret somewhere. I doubt new ones exist the design is 30 years old, its obsolete. as far as Bastions that are like our E54 theres no reason to think they couldnt just cook another one up but its really unlikely.
I doubt there are functional Bastions of the same model as ours. However, there may be new models that function better and are less aggressive like how the OR’s went from OR-14 to OR-15
Officially, Bastion is the last functioning bastion unit on the planet, as overwatch had (attempted) to find and destroy all units after the omnic crisis
didn’t you know there’s a bastion zoo/museum? it’s where birds (ganymedes) go to find their waifu/husbando bastion and finally make that nest a home
excuse me? ganymede exists!
Isnt there something called the last bastion or i am confusing it for something else?
B73-NS units were retrofitted by Null Sector during the Uprising. I seriously doubt Null Sector was truly beaten- if I had to guess, they’re allied with Talon through Maximilien, and currently underground. That would mean B73 Bastions are probably still in existence.
The amount of bastion units is very small though