Sometimes I think some people should stick to games like Animal Crossing and that’s all I’m gonna say bout that
Post is 6 months old. For 6 months, a lot changes in development process. Also, my favorite Moira towards Winston.:
“I shouldn’t be surprised at such a narrow opinion coming from a jumped. Up. Ape.”
“You should try my meatballs”
And just what human being has never been hypocritical at some point in their life?
You make it really hard, not to be really sarcastic (which would result in a ban )
Just don’t get butthurt, accept that the world is not Disneyland
It’s funny because tracer still calls people wankers when she kills people.
“dOnt bE tOxIc”
If it’s ok to shoot enemies in video games, why can’t I shoot my neighbor when he pi$$es me off? Are the police hypocrites?
That’s basically your argument here. One is something a video game character is doing in character, one is you doing something to another person.
Almost as if they are… hypocrite themselves
Not this again…
I’m convinced that a lot of people in this community don’t really know what toxicity is. Some other FPS games have it so much worse than us.
toxicity is almost always a case by case basis. its never just one instance, never just 1 voice line.
its a pattern of despicable behavior that unfairly targets your teammates and occasionally the enemy. thats why just asking for a hero swap isnt toxic, but calling someone a garbage (dps character) and telling them over and over to switch or to stop playing altogether is.
Thats why no, voice lines arent toxic. they’re funny jokes, but some people can abuse those systems and use them in a negative way.
6 months and they can’t even tell that they should at least revert back to non-infinite tp, in stead they gave orbs 140damage yet somehow didn’t notice how inconsistent orbs were…? 6 months and they still haven’t realised the crippling cd mechanic of infinite tp effectively undid the 3.0 rework?
Toxicity is when someone tells me to switch off my hero when I have always been a ninja.
Snark and horribly psychotic behavior are not the same thing. This is a game where you shoot people, it’s competitive and making the characters act like the Brady Bunch wouldn’t really fit.