Are the Developers hypocrites

Toxicity isnt telling someone is doing something wrong, or saying something as a voice line. Being toxic would be being overbearlingly insulting, or rude to someone.

saying “could you not play ashe, we dont need an ashe” is not toxic
Saying “ashe doesnt work out against the enemy” is not toxic
Saying “could we change the dps please” is not toxic
If the person is not directly insulting you. Theyre not toxic.
Saying gg at the end of the match is not toxic
Even saying EZ isnt toxic, its just a d***head thing to do.

Being annoying is not being toxic.

Because of people who spam reports about people saying “gg ez” once in chat, we dont have a properly functioning report system, because the entire system is flooded with a bunch of snowflakes taking offense over every small thing on the game.

"someone call the wah-mbulance"


It could be that one part of the development team finds the toxic voice lines to be funny while another part of the team doesn’t like that kind of communication at all. I dunno.
It doesn’t matter much what the voice lines themselves are though, because toxic players will find ways to be toxic regardless of the voice lines they’re given.

I think that most people are missing the point, The “toxic” voicelines are meant to be for hero to hero, not player to player.

Ah, the old argument…

Jeff said, “it´s not fun to play against oneshotting heroes”

Yet something like Widow can still do that.

Can´t have a cake and eat it too…

yes devs are definitely hypocrites.

Exhibit A:

yet completely ignore how infinite tp ruined any independence sym had. not to mention infinite tp + nerfing the rest of her kit despite the fact that we had them in the unnerfed state for over a year prior to double shield meta and she was underperforming during all that time across various meta shifts. i.e. they nerfed the individual balance of a hero hard that was already individually underpowered.

Exhibit B:
They said the 3.0 rework for sym is to make her more dynamic and flexible. fast forward to sigma patch they roll out infinite tp that pretty much took all that away while simultaneously saying “it’s less restrictive”. absolutely BS.

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One has to be really “special” to identify with a virtual heroes quotes in order to take them personally and toxic.

It all went downhill since like Season 4 onwards… we aren’t mildly toxic but pure toxic waste.

And that honestly should close this topic.

Sometimes I think some people should stick to games like Animal Crossing and that’s all I’m gonna say bout that

Post is 6 months old. For 6 months, a lot changes in development process. Also, my favorite Moira towards Winston.:

"I shouldn’t be surprised at such a narrow opinion coming from a jumped. Up. Ape."

“You should try my meatballs”


And just what human being has never been hypocritical at some point in their life?

You make it really hard, not to be really sarcastic (which would result in a ban )

Just don’t get butthurt, accept that the world is not Disneyland

It’s funny because tracer still calls people wankers when she kills people.
“dOnt bE tOxIc”

If it’s ok to shoot enemies in video games, why can’t I shoot my neighbor when he pi$$es me off? Are the police hypocrites?

That’s basically your argument here. One is something a video game character is doing in character, one is you doing something to another person.

Almost as if they are… hypocrite themselves

Not this again…

I’m convinced that a lot of people in this community don’t really know what toxicity is. Some other FPS games have it so much worse than us.

toxicity is almost always a case by case basis. its never just one instance, never just 1 voice line.

its a pattern of despicable behavior that unfairly targets your teammates and occasionally the enemy. thats why just asking for a hero swap isnt toxic, but calling someone a garbage (dps character) and telling them over and over to switch or to stop playing altogether is.

Thats why no, voice lines arent toxic. they’re funny jokes, but some people can abuse those systems and use them in a negative way.