Are Tanks TOO Hard

Are tanks too hard? They’re not very popular and they are incredibly important to the team. To tank correctly at all you have to have:

  1. game sense, all roles require this but tanks especially require it. you have to know a lot more about maps and heroes to get value out of a tank. You can’t just go heal up health bars or just delete enemy heroes.
  2. Positioning. Where’s your team, where will they come from, can you contest from here? Are you at the back? Again where you position affects the entire team’s suvivability. This isn’t as simple as healers at the back, Close dps up close, snipers farther back.
  3. Team awareness, who’s dying, whos flanking, who do you have to dive, are they ready to push. Yeah healers worry about this, but they have the advantage of having everyone bar a lone wolf genji in the field of view. Tanks have to do this with everyone behind them and basically no coms.
  4. Get good with them mechanically. Tanks Mechanically are so difficult compared to other heroes. to get value you have to time it and work for it. you dont just get to use your abilities. And theyre all projectile characters mostly making aiming difficult to master between them too.
  5. Know your synergies, you dont hear anybody talking about Mccree Ashe? thats because they arent dependent on each other but Orisa Hog or Orisa Sigma. or Rein Zarya are talked about loads.

Compared top the other roles I find tanks to be so difficult and that really hinders any fun I have with them. Yeah I can go and get kills but the if Im out of position as a tank. The entire team is out of position. The consequences of bad tank play are hard. And its very hard to play tank without coms. You dont need coms to heal with Mercy or Ana it helps but with tanks this is almost a necessity.

My bf who picked up the game a year ago likes to play tank. But he’s not great at it and he’s not a ton better like you’d expect from practice now he’s at level 300. To advise him to improve Ive had to recommend guides and other outside sources just to help him improve. I think this is a good example of how playing tank is hard for new players to learn and experienced players like myself to try pick up.

TL;DR, are tanks too hard. they require much more knowledge and precise gameplay than the other roles and after hundreds of hours I still can’t enjoy tank gameplay because I find it to be too hard and I think this is gatekeeping newer players from the role.


in a very simple and clear answer


i’m pretty sure tanks being too simple is what makes them boring to most people. as much as people will hate to see it damage is definitely the hardest role to be good at since their kits tend to be very dynamic and most of them lack self-peel.


Tanks are super simple and super forgiving mechanics wise (bar very few exceptions, that have a higher barrier to entry, like ball), but all in all the role of tanking is incredibly simplistic and boring. Get hammered on so your team doesn´t, that is litterally, what tanking is, the reason why the most fun tanks are “off tanks/none barrier ones” is because they facilitate the least “tanking” and fall more in line with being a more beefy DPS, that is less punishing and less inasanely complicated, linking it to less flashy and big plays (mostly).

Tanking through all genres for nearing multiples decades now, has and always will be the least attractive role, ruining balance will do nothing but make the other roles feel terrible, while no one is gonna pick up tanks as a result.

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just practice your game sense if your playing off tank then mechanics

Or make barrier tanks play more like offtanks.

✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks

“Sturdy but boring” is still boring, go figure huh?

Maybe BarrierTanks should play less like Tanks from MOBA/MMORPG games, and more like “Heavies” from FPS games?

every tank except rein and sigma takes almost 0 skill with the exception of dva

0 zero ? like really zero 0 ?


They ain’t too hard. Issue is they they are entirely dependent on support and dps.

If healing is lacking a tank gets focused hard and goes down quick.

If when the tank pushes a choke and noone follows the tank dies.

When you do get through the choke etc bit dps cant use space created to get picks the tank ends up being an ult battery for enemy team.


I don’t think alot of the tanks are particularly hard. The only ones that get my brain turning are, Orisa and Sigma. Even then those arnt too bad to manage your resources.

I don’t find tank boring. Actually, I quite enjoy tanking.
But I won’t ever tank with role queue. Because Reaper and Mei exist.


Tanks aren’t hard they have just been nerfed into being highly team dependent

Most of them have been put on Zarya’s corner where they are strong but need their teammates to thrive.

Cause if your tank partner doesn’t have your back and neither of you have a barrier you are going to have a rough time.

The damage creep and the heal nerfs make it hard to play a tank with no barrier. And off tank makes you have to map cover like a support. But not from fear of dying as it is fear of feeding too much ult charge.

So it’s not hard. It is a chore to play tank now than in previous years.


Tanks in this game dont feel anything like MOBA/MMORPG tanks. MMORPG tanks in the games I play have to do a lot of mechanics on top of a DPS rotation, unless you mean WoW where they stand still and never die. Kind of just a distraction stick, but regardless of that in MMoRPG tanks don’t need to block damage 100% most of the time, they have abilities and stats that help them TANK the damage. Reduce its impact on them, break out of CC etc etc. Tanks in this game melt without big walls to prevent any damage, and without it they often melt, even Orisa’s no CCing damage reduction ability that’s more inline with MMORPG tanking is useless cause she melts still and her head hit box is impossible to miss.

MOBA wise I like tanks in MOBAs cause on top of taking forever to die, I can also mess up the enemy hard and have items to help prevent or reduce CC spam on me. This game? I better have a shield or I’m dying in 3 seconds and being CC spamed. I like playing hammond usually i only have fun tanking on him cause I enjoy barreling through the enemy into the sky, drop the mines, slam down on them, watch them fall into the mines, then barrel back through them into more mines back to my team with a sweet triple kill, I don’t get that fun on other tanks, they either die immediately or sit with a barrier all game until it breaks and everyone starts dying.

But do you see the trend? MMORPG and MOBA tanks take reduced damage, and can break out or ignore CC, not Overwatch though. Tanks take the full amount of damage and can be CC spammed to hell. It actually would be better to give the tanks in Overwatch all damage reduction and CC reduction as a passive.

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yeah. the tanks need more base survivability.

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Nah. There’s a reason why calling out “Tank difference” is a thing in OW and it should remain that way because it rewards good tank play and punishes bad tank play. Any mechanic of this nature that is tied to game sense, knowledge, positioning, awereness, synergies and anything but just pure mechanical skills is super good for the game because it rewards players for thinking things through and playing very smart rather than just tunnel visioning towards the objective while blasting music. It also incentivizes switching and flexing which is super good for the game too

We need more tanks period.

Theres dps for any situation under the sun. Tanks dont have that luxury. They exist to get optimally countered by the enemy team unless their supports can bail them out.


well, when half the players only emphasize on flashy potg that can click bunches of buttons and having aimbot like aim instead of what you say, that’s what we get i guess

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Not at all.

Just not easy for everyone.

I genuinely like, and get physics. I don’t know why…I just get physics.

Know what I don’t get? Chemistry. At all.

It’s fake science made by witches. I can’t even get the basics.

Why do the vinegar and baking soda do??? WHY?

Dunno. I can however, predict and model data…and that comes from physics. Cause effect. I get that.

I’m not going to be good at everything. Some things aren’t intuitive for everyone.

A people who do the data often has time with making a thing with paint

Most people like the murder on dps.

That isn’t the mindset of a tank.

It’s why more tanks crossover to support and vice versa…it’s more similar than murder goals

Too hard if you don’t understand the role of tank…

Well… most tanks have a low skill floor, so…

Well, Hammond, Zarya and maybe even Sigma are probably the only ones who has a decent to high skill floor.

So no. Most tanks are pretty easy to pick up and learn.