Are smurfs bannable?

I can’t find it anywhere under the “report” button, but everyone talks about getting smurfs banned and stuff, and I can’t find a clear answer so I wanted to ask here.

Are smurfs actually bannable? Like going from Diamond to Bronze and then playing heroes you’re good at, is that bannable? Under the TOS and stuff?

Also, if it is bannable, what if you’re just trying to learn new heroes and go to a lower rank on a new account?

Thanks, Roblox.

(P.S. I got a smurf account during last weeks sale, if anybody was wondering. And yes, I am Diamond and planning to go into Bronze xD.)

IF they’re intentionally going from diamond to bronze by throwing games-

Its game sabotage.


Is that the only way to get banned as a smurf?

Also thanks.

Smurfs arent bannable in general, but dropping on purpose (throwing) is


To my knowledge sadly.

You dislike smurfs?

I’m fine with them, but I guess it is mean is some situations.

I thought this smurf talk was only in a tiny sliver of the community and that it would never affect me…

Last night on Junkertown there was an enemy McCree lvl 22 bronze that was on fire the entire match and regularly got triple kills on my entire team every fight. He was ruining the whole match.

“Good job McCree, you’re such a great smurf!” I told him at the end after we lost (it only took a few minutes for them to win) but he instantly left match…It made me angry. I just wanted a normal quickplay match yet he comes in and destroys it and hard carries

I mean there is a big difference between smurf and alt account. Neither of which are bannable unless purposely throwing / trying to lower rank in competitive


Sadly there is always a huge influx of those kind of people right when Overwatch has a huge sale and youre more likely to run into them within the few weeks after the sale starts / ends but then it basically goes away

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Did you expect him to stay and talk things out in a lengthy debate?

See technically it can be twisted so they are. Example ppl in gm grab a bronze smurf and do bronze to gm that is game sabotage since well they are well aware they are not in that skill range and were not placed there by the game. You could take situations like that. Now as for in the plat to diamond range its hard to do that reasoning

That’s true, but you’re just as likely to get smurfs on your team as the enemy is.

I guess they can ruin the game, but are just a coinflip and aren’t guilty of anything imo.

Level 22 though? What?

How is that gameplay sabotage if they’re carrying?

Gameplay sabotage is purposely losing.

Short answer: No.

Long Answer: Boosting and throwing are bannable, however Blizzard has asked us not to bother reporting “Boosting” because they have a separate system working on finding boosters and punishing them that doesn’t rely on the report system. Report players who are throwing games though.

But having a second account, even one outside of your rank, is not a reportable offense. The reasoning Blizzard has given us is that if a player is playing far outside of their rank they will quickly climb to where they are supposed to be. The only time this isn’t true is when they are throwing, in which case, report them.

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Thanks! Glad I won’t get banned haha.

buying a new account and happening to start in low ranks is fine because that’s just a new account, throwing to get a low rank in order to smurf is against the rules, but that’s throwing.

Your personal definition of Gameplay Sabotage isn’t what Blizzard defines it as.

Report people based on Blizzard’s provided examples without injecting your personal twist on it. Gameplay sabotage is not “Outclassing your opponent” and has never been defined as such. Just like being bad at the game isn’t “Gameplay Sabotage” otherwise I’d have to report everyone below Diamond I run into.

That’s not smurfing, it’s quickplay

I do.

Intentionally pitting yourself against opponents of known lesser skill? Whatever their reason for doing it is- It gives that player what i view to be an unfair advantage.

True, but I think it’s fair just because there’s a 50/50 chance to get them on your team too. Also to people who want to learn new heroes.

Is throwing in QP also reportable?

Which is nice for you

Unfair for your opponents.

Either way- im not a fan of anyone having an unfair advantage.

Im a fan of using QP to genuinely learn a nw hero- not throwing your actual rank into the trash so you can fight lower skilled opponents.

Knowledge and proficiency are a small part of your rank. Much of your rank comes from your overal understanding of the games mechanics and complexities. “Game sense” and all that. Understanding soecific hero interactions, understanding how to keep tabs on opponent resources- etc.

You may perform slightly worse on a new hero- but having this experience and understanding will be a large advantage over those that dont in lower ranks.