Are Pharah’s changes a nerf or buff?

I like the increased attack speed. The knockback stuff I can’t really judge and I’m fine with the splash damage nerf.

nerf to bad phara’s since her direct hits more more dmg then before. so it’s a buff to good pharas who can aim. if you land ur shot the nerf/buff actually adds up to a net buff.

I’d say slight nerf for good ones too.

New Pharah doesn’t reward for direct hits, it punishes for getting close shots.

Mobility is nice, and evasion works well too, but paired with her fire rate increase, she feels like a jet fighter that’s dropping bombs rather than shooting missiles. A projectile speed increase would’ve fixed this.

That being said, new Pharah keeps the existing Pharah changes from the previous buffs and simply balances it out a little bit (though i would’ve liked to see some positive incentive to land direct hits and not negative as well as that projectile speed increase).

Not really, it’s the same damage from pre-change. You’re landing 120dmg per direct hit regardless of 40/80:55/65 impact/splash damage with splash damage taking a 15pt hit, it results in a net nerf from offensive capability. You’re inflicting less damage overall.

This is what I like to call, in highly advanced, technical terms, a “burf.”

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how so?

no pharah player was limited by the fire rate before. they never held down M1. so increasing the rate of fire wont do much. but now you cant direct hit then splash kill now you have to direct hit direct hit. or direct splash splash.

time to kill is only shorter when landing direct hits which is very troublesome for tracer and genji. and now brig. so you have a list full of heroes this is a huge nerf on. and it is a buff against tanks since you can rapid fire tanks since they are easier to hit

so net nerf IMO.

big nerf against tracer/genji/ and brig since you cant splash around her shield as effectively

buff against tanks

Pharah’s rate of fire was a problem vs GOATS because the average health pool and net healing made it really difficult for her to burn anything down. As her damage scales towards higher DPS with multiple direct shots she becomes more of a tank buster and shield breaker.