Are people this deaf? OW2 is clearly coming in 2022

Wait, did people think it wasn’t?
Holiday 2022 for sure. Late November my guess. And I’d bet on it.


paid skins =/= ow2


Speaking of YourOverwatch, anyone hear from him lately? He hasn’t posted anything since before the Microsoft announcement. Hope he’s okay.

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They legit said a hard no to a 2022 launch.

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Go back and check. They did not.

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Considering that they’ve been working on it since the beginning of the universe, I’m sure they have something to push out.

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Kotik said the next cod game will be their last launch game without Microsoft, and the earnings report said it’ll be delayed to a later year.

Y’all working yourselves into a froth convincing yourselves that it’s GOTTA happen cause they said this and this… when they specifically said NOT.

And then for whatever reason are going to lose your minds and riot when it doesn’t happen.


That is the biggest problem of this community. It likes to overhype itself over things that were never said.


yeah i feel like the earning calls for 2022 kinda clarified that OW2 was obviously not coming out this year (a beta could still happen though). Unless that earning call fell through once they got bought by Microsoft.


It did not. The Q3 earnings report adjusted the forecast for 2022 due to Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2 being delayed to an unspecified time. Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2 were always spoken about in a group - there’s also always a possibility that one of the games has been delayed longer than the other. From memory, the only timeframe given was “2022 and beyond”.

The difference in the forecast could simply be that the OW2 is being released late in Q4 so that there is less OW2 revenue in 2022 than previously forecast - the anticipated revenue would instead be split across Q4 2022 and Q1 2023 instead of, say, Q3 and Q4 2022.

I suspect the real situation here is that Overwatch 2 will release in 2022 and Diablo 4 is far more impacted by the ongoing issues at Blizzard.

Contrast this announcement with the one from early 2021 where they did outright say that Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 would not be releasing in that fiscal year.

What they said in the report was ambiguous, and deliberately so. That is not a time for product launch announcements.

We should know more for sure when Activision-Blizzard announce their Q4 results next week. I recommend reading the report and/or listening to the call directly rather than relying on some gaming “journalist” to summarise it for you.


I think you are assuming a lot.

It’s possible that OW2 comes out this year but it is not guaranteed, it’s also possible that they are rethinking their release strategy and will release more content for OW1 while they work on OW2. Or put out an OW2 beta.

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the quote exact is “while we are still planning to deliver a substantial amount of content from Blizzard next year, we are now planning for a later launch for Overwatch 2 and Diablo IV than originally envisaged”.

Although this quote doesn’t straight up say “not happening in 2022”. The simple fact that they put it in opposition to their plans to deliver substantial amount of content next year to the later launch for OW2 and D4 kind of indicates that it’s not happening. A Beta or a launch date could most likely happen though.


That’s the one.

We’ve seen “not happening in [calendar year]” statements in these reports before, though. If they’re still not saying that in the Q4 report, that’s rather telling.

Remember, around this time last year is when we found out from Blizzard’s Q4 results that OW2 would not be released in 2021. They said it outright.

If we do get to next week and they say that OW2 won’t release in 2022? Well, at least then we know.


Because we’ve heard this multiple times, first in 2021 when they wanted a 2022 releast, then basically said it was indefinitely delayed.

I don’t have high hopes.

People were hoping for at least some game play or beta version though. What we got was nothing.

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Again, assuming a lot of things:

  • No COVID-19 pandemic
  • No Kotick forcing Team 4 to pause OW2 development to spend months working on things that would ultimately be ditched
  • The game to be completely exactly as-designed and presented at Blizzcon 2019 (6v6 PVP, etc)

They probably would have had a beta ready for Blizzcon 2020 and had the game ready for release in time for a (delayed start) OWL 2021 season.

That’s not the world we live in though.


People seem to be forgetting OWL is meant to be playing on a playable version of OW2 in their next tournament, which is April 22. Considering how close some betas are to release and still unplayable, or at least hard to play, a playable version should be close to final release. Plus, I doubt they want us watching a game we can’t play, at least not for long.

All that said, I’m betting on anniversary 2022, as it has a nice ring to it.

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I’ve already made my prediction: :rofl:

It came to me in a dream - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

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