Are people actually whining about a skin?

Blizzcon skin was a thing before

Its just that the OWL skins triggered ppl

Hey! I love my Blizzcon Winston skin! :rage:

Oh, thanks mate ,

Can anyone send a screenie of the new skin?

Havent seen it

Itā€™s on the first page of /r/overwatch, sorry not level 3, canā€™t post a picture.

Can u atleast send the link like this ?

Even lvl2s can

https:// imgur. com/a /mGHOUM8

You have over 1000 posts on these forums about video games. Are you telling me you have never once complaoined or critiqued the game, not even once?

Lol ā€œā€ā€œf1rSt WoRlD pRoBlEmSā€"ā€™


Iā€™m not complaining personally :wink:

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ah well, its hard to tell nowadays, you gotta be very specific or people like me jump to conclusions.

You have only to read them to see I do, I am a bit surprised I am suddenly on trial here.

My only general comments in this thread are 1) the skin is just ā€œmehā€ to my tastes, and 2) I think Blizz is missing potential revenue by not making it available in some other form as a purchaseā€¦ and 3) at the end of the day, its only one skin among many.

Weā€™ve done the virtual ticket before. To be honest, unless youā€™re into watching their little eSports matches live, which we donā€™t care one ounce about, thereā€™s no announcement at Blizzcon about any game or upcoming game that I canā€™t find on the internet, in a reddit or at an industry news site, within minutes of it being announced.

We decided two years ago to stop buying the ticket.

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Getting ez cp? Yea but to get ez SR? If i did that dont you think iā€™ll be a little bit higher than what i have been averaging for the past couple seasons?

There Is a difference between CP and SR

what is it? :oooooooooo

No the whining is not justified youeither dont want to pay fir a blizzcon ticket orcant like me, but really want the skin? Well too bad that is life, grow up and move on

Iā€™m not whining. As a Sombra main just shut up and take my money

If people wanna spend $40 for a skin, its their choice. Blizz doesnt need to give extra content to the poeple who go to blizzcon, but they did. If you buy a ticket and dont goā€¦ Thats not down to Blizzard.
At the end of the day, theyre still a company and making money is their number 1 priority, like every other company in the world.
People who pay extra money get extra content, thats how it works. Blizz gives us a full game, and only cosmetics are paid for, which rarely happens seeing as we get mounds of new content every year.

This is part of the issue. Youā€™re right, they didnā€™t. But they did. Just to lock another skin behind a pay wall

Lmao I appreciate it :heart:

Exactly, itā€™s not a Halloween skin. Itā€™s a crossover skin from Diablo.