Are noobs welcome in overwatch?

I see a lot of threads saying low skill heroes ruin the game. The problem is if you are new to FPS games like me, you have no choice but to play no skill heroes.

It’s hard for me to pick up a character like McCree and gain value out of him because I suck, and because quickplay is the most unrealistic match of overwatch ever! Your team has 5 dps and one healer and the enemy team has a balanced comp and you get steamrolled or vice versa. So you never really feel like you’re improving.


no noobs aren’t welcome in any competitive game because people rage and tell people who don’t play as well as they want them to uninstall

but yes you can still have fun, just mute chat.


Low skill heroes have their place in the game. They should be a stepping stone for new players, but after a certain point they should be outclassed by high skill heroes except in niche situations. What’s not good is when they outclass high skill heroes in almost every situation (see the Ana situation and Junkrat in OWL).


Sure. But don’t nerf heroes’ skill caps and then lower the skill floor, effectively removing the time and effort old players used to master a skill.


You get matched with players of equal skill. It might take a little while, but the system is pretty good at giving you fair matches.

Different heroes have different skill requirements. You might not be good with McCree, but Junkrat, Pharah and Soldier 76 are usually good for new players to begin playing on while still having a lot of room for improvement.

The 5 DPS 1 healer teams just happen sometimes. You can also win with them even against a balanced comp. The important thing is to just not give up and keep trying to win. Take a break or play some Arcade if you start feeling frustrated with your normal matches.


That’s what bronze is for, no?


if people are giving you trouble, just mute them. You’ll get better it takes time. Don’t get frustrated with the others who are magically amazing as they have alt accounts.

Try to have fun!


Ofcourse they are.

This game is literally catered to noobs.
Just look at the heroes they’ve been releasing, as well as the new PTR patch. :slight_smile:

There’s no need to practice difficult heroes, braindead ones are higher reward anyway!



Because they play Moira and briggete and reks me when I clearly should of killed them then they tactically crouch on me and I get extremely tilted pls

Honestly I started playing this game as McCree, yeah it was hard as hell, but once you get used to his kit, your aim become better and better.
I did the same thing with Bastion and I feel like he is a beast, it has his issues, but much less than McCree.

The problem is if you are new to FPS games like me, you have no choice but to play no skill heroes.

Or… you can practice your aim and movement?


That’s the thing if I play a junkrat or Pharah I get called a no skill noob. I just want to play the god damn game it’s supposed to be fun!

the people around you are just as good as you are, if they have the same mmr/sr, so is the enemy, so you can improve, it’ll take time to develop aim/positioning/game sence, but you will improve those. just play, enjoy (comp) and climb slowly.

Whenever I kill Moira or Brigitte as genji I teabag them until their face is flattened.


For the most part you will be matched up with allies/enemies of your skill level. You may not be good with characters like McCree or Genji, but over time, you will get better. Just keep trying!

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Not if you’re plat as mercy but bronze as McCree

game is 2 years old. No game that’s that old is welcome to new players. Everyone knows maps and heroes, too much to learn when everyone around you is a smurf

Junkrats deserve the same treatment. They lose to you in close quarters? They get the bag.

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No wonder Genji players have good name –



what is more noob friendly than ow? farm simulator? :sweat_smile: