Are Mercy players no longer worthy of being individuals or human (we're called creatures now too)?

If you’re under the impression that I believe you are talking to a series of sophisticated AI algorithims then I think you’ve come up with the wrong impression.

Yes, we are. But we have the freedom and the potential to talk about literally anything. “This is the internet, and nothing that we say here matters at all.” There’s a difference between “nothing that we say here” and “Again, we’re talking about a video game here”

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It can be argued that none of the threads addressing Reinhardt’s bugs have achieved anything, but that doesn’t stop them from making their threads. The reason that they keep making them is that they have yet to achieve anything.

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That is true, however, I’ve seen a notably lower number of Rein related threads than Mercy related threads.

Us posting threads does not impede your ability to post threads on other topics. If your thread sinks in favor of a different thread, don’t get butthurt because your thread isn’t being bumped.

Point is due to sheer numbers you are pushing down any threads not to do with Mercy.
Its hard to get threads bumped when other heroes have way less of a fanbase and they don’t even get to see said threads due to aforementioned spam.

Its not your fault persay sure but you don’t help the situation.

Looking at the forums right now, this is what is on the front page in order:

  • A thread proposing balance changes (Orisa, Reinhardt, Wrecking Ball, Junkrat, Sombra, Hanzo, Pharah, Brigitte)
  • Buff Hanzo thread.
  • This thread.
  • Reinhardt is OP thread.
  • Blizzard store in Spanish.
  • Soldier:76 and McCree thread.
  • All-star skins.
  • Overall balance thread.
  • Moira is beautiful.
  • Lucio Ball thread.
  • Vigor app (no idea what that is).
  • A thread about the meta and Reinhardt’s bugs.
  • Mercy 3.0 rework idea.

It seems to me that you are still very able to post different threads.

Right now sure, timezones and all that.

Well, i’m not actually Mercy main, but i don’t care either way. I just hate Valkyrie and rez ability in their current state.

But i know there are Mercy mains who like Mercy 2.0. and Mercy mains who hated mass rez. Lot of people just ignore them though, even if they are vocal about their opinion, and just expect them to ask mass rez back without even reading what they say.

In fact, i believe that’s one of the major reasons they feel ignored, and keep posting. :thinking:

People can be jerks.

I honestly thinks it’s very childish to call anyone anything like that❤️

But Some Mercy mains cause this. A few bad apples ruin them all, and Mercy is in the same boat.

There are people who give mercy mains a bad name.

And she has always been the easiest character to play in game, I saw the gate coming all the way since beta. It’s sad, but no surprise😂

This goes for everyone, just mostly Mercy and Genji.

(Though I wouldn’t take it personally. It’s like someone calling you names while playing)

Just ignore them, and move on😄

Ironically, most of these people don’t even know what spam is to Blizzard. :man_shrugging:t2: Let’s just post our Mercy threads and continue with our day :slight_smile: .

Of course, and I have likely contributed to this from time to time. And likewise there are only a few bad apples that are really demeaning and mistreating of Mercy mains (and also other mains) on the forums and in game. I think it’s important to raise awareness though so that we call all stand up for the mistreated against those who insult, threaten, and offend.

That’s a stand against toxicity and idiots in general, which I have been doing since I got here over a year ago.

Could always use help😁

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This is one person’s horrible opinion though and does not in any way, shape or form, represent Mercy mains as a whole, let alone “individually” and as well as how others think of Mercy mains you know?

It’s like having one person making a ridiculous post on how all Bastion mains are secretly an “attack helicopter” or are “worthless” and then labeling said post as if he is the executive that decides who all Bastion mains truly are and what everyone thinks? It’s not though, so labeling one person’s trollish thoughts isn’t how everybody feels.

I just feel you shouldn’t get upset over immature posts hun. Everyone is high strung right now and what with a lot going on between how the Devs aren’t “listening”, the All-Star skin “paywall” and such, it’s been really hectic. I’m not a doctor by any means, but I think taking a break from the forums as a whole is healthiest and much needed time away may be good :disappointed:

This goes for a lot of people I think…

Of course, and I don’t mean to say that the majority of people hates Mercy mains or anything silly like that. It’s just a handful of people, but they are common enough to raise quite heated and hateful discussions on the forums (and of course they exist on both sides).

While I used myself as an example I am by no means hurting from the many comments. It is still a concern to me though, since I see new people coming to the forums and receiving the exact same treatment. Those might be people who has been adapting to every Mercy change up until now, and perhaps now they feel they need to speak up… Just like how I came to the forums around October or November last year and was met with similar toxicity. Some people may remember me as positive back then, and RichC even commented that I was one of the Mercy mains he respected for my sensible opinions. That positive side changed into a more hardened side very quickly as a result of how some people treat each other on the forums.

What message do we send to people who have been playing the game and who are concerned with the current state of the game? They finally find their way to the forums and are met with insults and ignorance. I just feel it prevents any meaningful discussion, and also shapes future forum participants in a poor way. People may come here with the desire for constructive discussion, but hours later they find themselves pushed against a wall and having to defend their existence on the forum. If toxicity is to end at some point, we need to make sure that new arrivals to the forums are met with more respect than some of the older members show each other.

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Being constantly insulted and belittled is being dramatic? Just because you can’t understand something doesn’t mean its not real.

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Unfortunately I see this too much.

Here I thought us Mei mains were supposed to hold such a mantle, considering the nature of our main.

But I guess not, to all Mercy mains reading this, sorry you had to go through all this.