Are Mercy players no longer worthy of being individuals or human (we're called creatures now too)?

I dislike people stepping over heroes who have always been trash in favor of themselves.

I donā€™t dislike anyone based on what they think about a video game, and I donā€™t understand people that do.

Because nothing else could be talked about. Mercys activity hijiked non related threads to talk about Mercy.

Does that not illustrate how big of an issue something is?

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Again. Tiny minority in the grand scheme.
What about Mercy players who like current Mercy or dislike mass res?
Screw them right? Who ever screams loudest i guess.

Its a big issue in terms of the forum,which seems to have a massive amount if Mercy players.

The forums are a sample of the community. It may be small, but it is a sample nonetheless. If Mercy is a big problem on the forums, then itā€™s probably a big problem within the rest of the community as well.

Not when the Mercy players far out number everyone else.
Also you canā€™t assume anything.

The Mercy community has been the largest community in Overwatch since season 3.

You guys pretty much lost the ā€œweā€™re a representative sampleā€ card the moment Blizzard got rid of downvotes.

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Talking about the forum not the game.
Massive amount of confirmation bias going on.

How so?

If Mercy players are the largest community in Overwatch, it makes sense that they would also be the largest community on the Overwatch forums.

You canā€™t fault people for voicing their opinions on a platform that is designed and implemented for the purpose of allowing them to voice their opinions.

Also to reiterate what I said to that other guy, attempting to shout them down is and will be ineffective. If anything it only intensifies their efforts. My suggestion would be to say what you think about Mercy and let them say what they think about Mercy rather than attempt to adjudicate who is and who is not allowed to speak.

Still doesnā€™t mean you get to extrapolate a small set of data into the entire playerbase.
Maybe only like 5% of Mercy mains dislike current Mercy. We donā€™t know.

Its a pity anything that disagrees with there own opinion gets aggressively shut down.

That is true. But then again, we also donā€™t know exactly how many people didnā€™t like Mercy 1.xā€¦ and that didnā€™t stop Blizzard from reworking Mercy in the first place.

Because when all you see for your opinions is affirmation, it can appear that you have more support than you actually do. Thatā€™s already setting aside the fact that upset people are more likely to post than content people.

Even in the old forums, it was far from a reflection of reality most of the time. Not having downvotes just makes it far, far worse.

I have yet to see the people who are not happy with the state of Mercy try to silence others. I have seen a lot of the inverse, however. Something to think about.

Read what sareph just said.
Saves me saying it.

Are you complaining about your arguments getting shut down, and that you cannot keep reinforcing them?

ā€¦Could that meanā€¦ youā€™re wrong?

If an argument cannot stand, then the position that relies upon those arguments fails.

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Agreement does not imply the silence of the opposing view. If we had people unhappy with the state of Mercy going around and actively trying to shut down threads dedicated to being pleased about things then youā€™d have a point. But weā€™re not seeing that. Again, we do see a lot of the inverse, the dehumanizing language, sexism thrown into the mix, etc.