Are Hero Abilities Canon in PvE?

for example, Zen’s orbs aren’t canon or something like that, but if they’re part of his kit in a PvE mission (he looks like he might appear in a story mission) is that canon or is that just a representation of him encouraging others/discouraging others? same with Lucio’s healing music? He didn’t heal in the Rio mission cinematic but he’s still a healer in the mission

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Strictly speaking none of their powers are canon unless they’re used in cutscenes.

Overwatch in particular adheres strongly to gameplay/story segregation because of the demands of PvP balance. That’s why Mei is clearly still able to walk around prior to being ‘resurrected’ by Mercy in Zero Hour but can airlift Genji in Storm Riding’s intro.

As for whether Zen can actually heal, given his and Mercy’s spawn room interactions, which are considered pseudo-canon, there may be rumors in-universe that the monks can heal people through unknown means, but like the monks providing technology to Volskaya, the truth of it is probably ‘mundane’ relative to the exotic powers Tracer or Sigma have.


Interactions don’t really happen but they show how heroes actually think about each other or so WE can know more about the heroes.

Hence pseudo-canon; the interactions obviously haven’t happened in-universe but the content is based on canon in-universe events or information.

According to the devs and writers the spawn room interactions are based on information the characters themselves have access to in-universe, which is why Ana has multiple interactions with Widowmaker; one set where Ana appears hostile to her, thinking her killing her husband was premeditated betrayal, and another set from when Ana become aware of her brainwashing.

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