Are Ana mains demanding more Buffs getting greedy?

I only want two more things for Ana before I think She’d be perfect: 75 damage per shot rather than just 70, and the ability to toggle piercing shots off and on at will like how Mercy switches weapons.

Facts of the matter.
Ana is rarely used at any skill rank, and she doesn’t have the mobility or self heal to avoid dying when jumped on by flankers.

At least not to the extent that Moira/Mercy can do easily.

Also “ranged healing” isn’t worth much if you can’t survive when away from your team, and enemy shields completely block all your incoming heals.

But what about Self Sustain or Evasion tools?

She doesn’t have Self Heal, or Fade/GuardianAngel

All she has is “you better pray you hit this sleep dart, AND that your team doesn’t instantly wake them up, AND that you don’t die due to constant chip damage and no self heal”

I don’t think Ana is very good right now. Outside of big tank heavy comps she doesn’t get value. her kit is too inconsistent.

The bigger clip is nice but i would say the shooting through allies was good on paper but not in game. She needs more control. Improve the sleep dart and try her with hit scan hip fire.

Well, as an Ana main, I see those as her justified downside for her strengths: she has the best utility for a Support in the game, and her burst healing is the strongest in the game. I see self sustain and mobility as a fair trade off for that.

I wouldn’t be against some sort of “Stealth” passive or something where she’s sort of camoflauged if she’s standing still, as that would help her in her role as a sniper, but I don’t think she needs any healing or mobility buffs.

She’s risky to play, yes, but if a team works well with her, She’s one of the best supports in the game, even if she does pose more of a challenge to play than the other supports.

Well on a different thread post, I posted an idea that would make it so that if Ana grenaded an enemy, that that enemy could no longer see Ana. Until either the effect wore off, or Ana dealt any damage to that enemy.

I will admit i’d like it if they made it so enemies are immune to being woken up for a full second after being put to sleep. That would prevent a LOT of “accidental awakenings” due to allies firing at them before they realize they’re asleep.

It’s just because they know these changes aren’t enough. But what they fail to understand is that it’ll never be enough. Not with mercy being what she currently is. Ana just doesn’t stand a chance. Unless she’s buffed to the point of becoming broken.

You’re… joking, right?

Per Overwatch Central the Buffs/DeBuffs to Brigitte, Hanzo and Ana pretty much amount to meh – or no change at all.

I think Ana mains are getting greedy, Ana shouldn’t be buffed till she is literately the best support in the game, she should be buffed till her kits power is matched with other supports. What if the meta suddenly shifts and long range healing is incredibly useful and powerful after we’ve loaded her with massive buffs? She’d be ridiculously powerful, we shouldn’t be buffing characters till they become meta, we should be buffing heroes till they become viable, the reason why Junkrat’s double concussion mine buff was so stupid was because he was good on half the maps, we buffed him so he’s good on every map but excellent on half the maps he was already good at, that lead to one of the most OP DPS kits in the game in terms of utility that even after several nerfs is still viable and powerful today. Junkrats kit required him to have 1 concussion mine to stay balanced, adding another one just added more to his kit that increased it’s overall power immensely.

Ana mains are also getting incredibly greedy on what buffs they want, I understand if they want small buffs so that the meta doesn’t slam on her but buffs like literately healing through people and everyone getting the 70 HPS because ‘Moira has AOE healing’ to back their argument already makes it hard to take them seriously.
Just because Ana isn’t the best support in this meta doesn’t mean she should be buffed till she is the best support, I wouldn’t be surprised that Ana mains want her to be buffed till she is better than Mercy, which is just an ridiculous expectation because Mercy is supposed to be better in the current meta in terms of her niche, while you may say Ana’s niche isn’t useful right now, we shouldn’t be giving her buffs so she’s good at everything, Ana will have her time, she’s had her time in the beyblade meta, but now Ana mains just have to wait.

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You assume that people who play Ana don’t understand the importance of balance.

You have to understood that we already went through what Mercy underwent and came out of it as nerfed and suffering for a whole year. What makes you think that we want a repeat of that again?

Same too we Ana mains want to be back on the table of efficacy and viability. Ideally a balanced meta is one where figuring out which hero has advantage over another is hard for anyone to discern.

Ideally the DEVs shoudn’t be balancing with an artist’s eye but instead by attributing value scores to each ability, tallying each heroes overall score then buffing debuffing everyone to a flat curve. Ideally sites like omnic meta wouldn’t have a business simply because the stats they show would amount to splitting hairs.

What makes you think we want to repeat the same history Ana went through (this very same hero) just a year ago? If anything as an Ana main I want Ana just to be a normal ordinary support that wins about half her games and lists somewhere in the middle on Omnic meta — same place soldier occupies today; instead of the second to dead last place just before Sombra as being the worst hero in the game.

All the forum posts posting ideas are from people in hope of somehow making Ana usable again. You act like we want every buff proposed all at once. No. It’s a brainstorm from us to the DEVs who don’t seem to get why heroes suffer. But heck, you just like kicking them when they’re down.


Lucio has better survivability, and he enables triple support because he keeps Brigitte alive. Ana has the worst survivability and had no place in the current meta. You’re better off picking Mercy over Ana.

Bruh good Widowmakers are deciding factors in games. A good Widow isn’t a wasted DPS slot. Playing Ana as main heals, regardless of how good you are, is putting your team at a disadvantage compared to just picking Moira or Mercy. She’s fragile and needs more babysitting than any other healer. She can’t heal through barriers. Her average healing is slightly worse than Lucio’s, and barely better than Zen’s. She’s better in the current meta than Lucio, but Lucio still has way better self-sustain and is overall more reliable. Zen has better damage potential. So what niche does Ana fit other than being an anti-heal bot?

No i am not, why would i?

I like Ana on our team if the other side has a widow or pharah. If the map has bottle neck. Ana’s biotic grenade is almost deaths sentence if they dive right at the chock with the grenade throw at them. They either have to back out, fight at half health, or get slaughter. Ana was great counter to quad tank meta.

In clutch 2vs4 Nano can turn that around and flatten the odds. A nano Winston/Reinhardt can turn 3 squishies into ash very quickly. If you valk, lucio’s ult, brigitte ult, at those odds, it gets wasted and little or no impact.

Smurfs love Ana’s Nano and going Super Saiyan Blue when they feel like wiping a team. It can enable some of the most amazing and entertaining hard carries in Overwatch.

Lol. Try playing Ana for 10 hours and then come back and say she’s on par with Mercy and Moira… because she isn’t.


Instead of inferring Ana should be clone of Moira or Mercy and have their skill set to be on a par with them. Why not just cut to the chase play Moira and Mercy instead? All the characters have their niche strengths and short comings. Moira and Mercy can’t out range Ana, or have sleep dart shut down Ults, or Nano for clutch 2vs4 to win a fight. Ana biotic grenade is a death sentence at bottle necks for enemy push, they either back off, fight half health, or get slaughtered.

Anyone competent on Ana will get more done by switching off main heals. That’s a bigger problem than fixing the other F tiers.


Nobody is asking for her to be buffed till she’s the best support. It just seems absurd that the support with the highest skill floor is currently the least effective support both in gameplay and statistics. Low skill heroes like Mercy and Brigitte are much more optimal and rewarding than Ana. That’s not how it should be. A hero that requires more skills should at a higher level output more efficiency. This is proven not to be the case for Ana. She’s not been updated for almost 2 years; how is asking for some reasonable buffs being greedy?

I think what’s even harder to take seriously are gold rank players who have virtually no time on Ana in competitive, telling Ana mains what’s good and what’s bad for her. But I digress. Majority of Ana players have suggested reasonable buffs like allowing nade to pass through fully healed allies so that you can land those crucial anti-nades (her utility being, let’s face it, the only reason players at high elo use Ana).

Ana was meta for season 2-4. Mercy has been meta for season 5-10. Mercy is the easiest and most effective hero/support in the game. Ana is one of the hardest hero in the game and one of the least effective supports. Does this clarify the frustration of Ana players? This isn’t even mentioning Console where Mercy has been meta every season and Ana is the worst hero.

You say us Ana mains have to wait but we’ve waited for almost two years. We are not asking for her to be stronger than Mercy but to be on par with other supports considering the effort she requires. That is all.


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