Are Ana mains demanding more Buffs getting greedy?

Yes, some Ana mains are. There have been some ridiculous suggestions for buffing her. Ghillie suits, Invis, etc. But the devs have not been generous with buffing her. She definitely could benefit from a tweak or two. Nothing absurdly out of place with her current kit.

HAhahaah hohhohoo ehehehe 15 months of being one of the most irrelevant hero in the game. Getting greedy.

Ana highest skilled support arguable overall in the game. Got so gutted by other support mains when good DPS player were dominating with her. Looking back on the old forums about Ana. Most of the people complaining are now Brig, Moria and Mercy players.

But hey lets keep buffing the brain dead heroes and making them hard nerf to high skilled ones.

"Protip: Ana is one (if not the best) hard counter to Pharah.

Why would you ask? The scope, her hitscan and the 0 damage fallof… An Ana with a good aim can take a Pharah/Mercy in the air with 3 quick shots at incredible range. So as you may notice, it’s harder fot mcree/soldier to keep a Phara on line than it is for Ana" -maxgamercod

“As a Pharah main, an attentive ana gives me far more issues than soldier or mccree.” -QUITE_GANGSTA_N

Ana has her strength and weakness for sake of balance. With the buff Ana can even duel decently as part of the team as well as heal.

Nano Boost
No longer increases move speed
Ultimate costs have been increased by 25%

Biotic Grenade
Effect duration has been reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds
Healing boost on allies has been decreased by 50%

Biotic Rifle
Damage Reduced from 80 to 60

Biotic Rifle
Damage Increased 60 - 70
Mag increased 10-14
Can shoot through Fully healed Allies

WHOA CALM DOWN NOW, TOO GREEDY AND OP. Dont want to make Mercy pickrate under 10%. Moria under 8% and Brig under 7%

oh yeah Ana winrate above 47%


I guess nobody learned their lesson from Sombra.

You mean Mercy rework, Moria release and Brig release???

At sombra actually has a skilled floor. You don’t know what you’re talking about, go play Ana in comp for a season then come back and have an actual opinion on the matter. Ana is the worst support in the game WITH THE HIGHEST SKILL. Make sense to me

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With a pharmercy in air you can’t kill her because mercy will put heal your damage and if you land three shots on mercy they have to be very close consecutively if not she’ll survive. Anas damage is really bad yeah she may not have fall off but her damage can be ignored and she has no headshots for a character that has to be pinpoint accurate like McCree to hit a shot


This aint season 2 anymore and Widow will forever be the best hardcounter??? She can headshot


If you want to shoot the messenger be my guest but it would pointless, just sharing the strength and weakness as well as upgrade. You can be flippant and pretend Ana can’t hard counter anybody if you like instead, in hopes to downplay and egg on more buffs.

Charming. Is there anything you would like to add to compilation of demands?

You made the thread and no evidence suggest she is even balance right now and currently will get buff to make her OP.

So, when get the actual facts thrown at you, you play defensive and back pedal. Perhaps you shouldn’t of start it in the first place when you didn’t have the grounds to defend your position.

It’s called blowback.


Strawman Fallacy. This is what I exactly said. Secondly I also added post to with the general consensus and more buff and demands for Ana.

That’s not an argument, because you dont even know what that means. If you did you wouldn’t of used it then. Again you listed zero facts all conjecture. Everything you said is 100% your opinion.

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You insinuated that I believe Ana is OP, that is not the case. Further proof previously I advocated for some of the buffs applied. But I do feel greed has gotten the better of people and that there other characters who need help aside from Ana.

Stop trying to turn it around i was clear and transparent. This is getting stupid, you’re going to keep doing it are you. “no you are”

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JuicyBrucie-1683 is the perfect example of unreasonable greedy Ana player pretending they didn’t any buffs, to egg on more. Lying or covering up Ana updates out of greed is bad.

JuicyBrucie-1683 your strawman fallacy isn’t my original point, and you grasping at straws. desperately throwing flippant remarks to get a rise out of people. Do you have another suggestion for a buff to add, or are you going to keep blindly complaining? Your hostility is well noted.


So making up stuff up or lying is being “clear and transparent.” Here’s proof to debunk you from TomPowers that buffs I listed exist and were tested. Not opinion, it’s fact.

Continuing the discussion from [Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – May 3,

Here’s other people feedback about Ana’s damage buff.

us.battle dot net subject “I love Ana’s damage buff so much” "Damage buff for Ana is cool…

“70 is still good stop complaining you get what you want and you still complain like wow” -Buzzintate

"70’s a fantastic spot.

Would prefer they up her healing potential, by giving her more ammo and maybe letting darts pierce barriers but only healing when doing so, but I’ll take it." -Sederath Oct31

Wow did blizzard listen and later gave extra ammo and better healing. But delusional people like JuicyBrucie pretend these buff don’t exist or just 100% opinion to egg on more buffs. How greedy.

JuicyBrucie-1683 the quotes I provided that Ana was decent at hard countering Pharah were from other Ana and Pharah players, not my opinion and highly upvoted on reddit. From QUITE_GANGSTA_N maxgamercod. But you went livid when people don’t agree with your false narrative and other were even content with Ana abilities before the buff. You blatantly lied that everything I said was 100% conjecture or my opinion only when you knew that statement is false. I politely asked you not to shoot the messenger or strawman after you been debunked repeatedly. When your claims didn’t add up, you have the audacity to call others “stupid.”

I still appreciate all the constructive feedback even if people disagree if Blizzard hasn’t done enough. I’m just surprised when I previously supported Ana on her buffs. Nobody demean me, insist low gold player are ignorant don’t know any better or pages of rambling hate. The day I show obvious proof that Ana player did get a series of positives buffs and suggest to others not to get too greedy. Out pours the ire, lies, and people pulling rank. That minority just makes the rest of Ana player look crazy and unreasonable and not helping encourage balance, or more positive changes towards Ana.

I am more of the opinion that in the current state of things for well-coordinated play and competitive that Ana is outclassed by Mercy plain and simple. Moira has a nice niche for being the 3-4 tank supporter by being able to do high heals for all of them. However, Ana really has no niche on some combination or map that is more valuable than Mercy’s resurrection & defensive ultimate.

Ana is underwhelming mainly because Mercy exists. However, since I highly doubt the team would be willing to revisit Mercy for a long time to come I think asking for buffs on Ana to make playing her more attractive over Mercy is more viable option than Mercy getting a change.

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It’s not about the amount of changes, but the quality of them in relation to how they change the gameplay of the hero. Ana’s recent changes was more quality of life changes then they were actual buffs. A buff for Ana would be to give her regeneration.


+1 This. It’s a bizarre phenomena. Everything is so tunnel vision or revolves around comps/pro play. If the changes are positive in quick play, deathmatch, duels, seasonal events, or other fun modes. People essentially say screw them or dismiss that player base. What happen to actually enjoying the game or forming community and open honest discussion. I have friends that play Ana in deathmatch and love the new self nano and buff in other modes. But here they are just painted as stupid… because it’s not comps or meta…

Even if Blizzard applied dozens more positive buffs towards Ana, those efforts still doesn’t count in the eye of many other Ana mains until Ana’s meta rises/top pick in comps.

I realizes it not just greed. It’s also elitism. If those stats site didn’t exist. People wouldn’t be so obsessed or stuck up. Even users like momoking, thought it was okay to lie or mislead others because they address “low-gold” players. That kind of attitude would be toxic in any team based game.

Just because there’s something worse than ana doesn’t mean that their complaint isn’t justified.

Also ,just because they buffed ana recently doesn’t mean they can’t do it again.

It’s like buffing torbjorn by giving his turret 50 health more ,then leaving him in F-tier for a few more months because “he just got buffed”

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Fair enough. I’m just saying nice to also take turns. People keep bring up that Ana isn’t meta enough, there are character that are worse off. Ana recently did get a lot of attention as well as series of buffs. If you feel those buffs aren’t good enough. Okay.