Are all the weekly challenge skins gone forever?

I’ve never missed one but I know people who have. I don’t get why they can’t return, nobody paid for them or anything. Especially the weekly challenges from within events, could you buy the anniversary ones from last year during this years’ anniversary like electric widowmaker?

I just think this is strange

The mini challenge items are now classified as Legacy. As far as im aware, there has never been a legacy item that has returned

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It would seem so…even the major event skins that were tied to wins seem to be gone…none of them came back during anniversary…we’ll see again soon with summer games

But I was challenged in a week where I had a lot of other things to do, who’s going to give me that back huh??? :rofl:

I have no idea why they are limited…

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Yeah, they were won with 9 wins. Maybe this is why they were missing during the anniversary.
Maybe some players will get now 1 old and 1 new skin for 9 wins (I think players who had the sombra DH skin at from the ticket got nothing for the 9th win during halloween. Maybe this will be the same).

It’s just strange that you can’t access them, they’re fairly basic and not difficult to get it was basically log in and play during this time period? I just think it’s weird

they should make a new skin and sprays for each challenge, but make the previous skin available to be bought with credits for the same as a new event item would be (epic 750 credits, legendary 3000 credits)

if they do the same challenge every year then it will be no rewards for the ones who got the skin and it would feel repetative. having new sprays also helps streamers a bit since they can enable drops, it gives overwatch more viewers on twitch for a bit which makes the game seem more popular, maybe Blizz cares about it, maybe not.


Yeah they’re all gone forever.
Blizzard hasnt gone back on returning the OWL Grey skins even though new characters have come out who have the Grey skins yet they’re not available to the public :woman_shrugging:
I.e… Echo has a Grey OWL skin that’s shown on the OWL broadcasts yet it isnt in the actual game.

you could get the grey skins? When?

Imagine wasting art resources to make skins available for a week and never again.


Nothing wrong with having rare skins. There’s tons of beautiful skins in OW you can use instead.

Not really a fan of todays mentality of ‘‘I want everything now reee’’.

The weekly challenges encourage people to play more because the skins don’t come back. I play a few times a week anyway but I’m even more likely to play during the challenges so it makes sense to me.

I just don’t have baptiste I find it super ugly, but all others are good I got them.

Yeah but why shouldn’t someone get the chance to get them… it’s just a cosmetic.

Yeah there’s nothing wrong with it but why not?

It’s not even a matter of “I want this skin and I want it now” it’s a mentality of “will I ever be able to get this cosmetic ever?”

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That’s a fair point.

When I see someone with Noire for example I’m like ‘‘wow they preordered the game that’s cool’’. If everything was always available (or recycling like normal events), there would be no wow-factors and value to specific things. I think it’s cool some items stay as legacy and can’t be obtained ever again. Unless you buy an account which is against the ToS. I enjoy seeing people with rare skins even though I don’t have them myself. I definitely do not have every single legacy skin either.

There’s so little ways to show off that yes, I’ve played for a long time and dedicated into obtaining stuff long ago. I know it sucks people have missed some challenge events for example, but it’s just a matter of dedication to check regularily is there any event going on. Or just playing very actively so it’s hard to miss anything.

Then again I’m just a collector in general with a big MMO background. I do put rare stuff on a pedestal lol.

Yeah I agree, it’s cool to have rare stuff like kerrigan or noira widowmaker but as for these weekly mini events they were basically “here’s some free cosmetics” and then went “but never again” and I don’t see the point. Bring them back for new players and give returning players a free legendary for completing 9 games or a bunch of credits. I’m sure it’d be welcome!


They were limited to promote consistent playtime of OW. If they promoted event skins, but had a track record of just giving out the skins later, many players wouldn’t be incentivized to play the event, and OW would have lower player numbers overall.

And I’m sure player numbers are important for ongoing support and updates.

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Yeah but why not just make them infrequent? Once a year is already quite rare…

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The point of the mini-events is to keep people playing.
The skins are the carrot on a stick. If you can get the carrot anytime, why pull the cart?

“We shouldn’t need bribery to play!”

Yeah, but we do because they’ve turned the game into crap and making exclusive skins is easier than fixing it.

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Oh thank’s for reminding me of Kerrigan. Should start using it now, haven’t seen people with that skin in a long time.

My main concern is if these skins return, people will start a chain of ‘‘hey what about this other skin plz make them available too’’ chant. And that kind of slippery slopes just might end up with devs slowly bringing everything, or almost everything back.

I think Johnny made a good point aswell with the fact that people need some extra entertaiment. OW is not a new game anymore.