Are Aim trainers the Quickest way to warm up?

It depends, personally I dont like practice widow in aim arena or widow FFA, since most players dont strafe or strafe very predictable pattern when playing FFA, since they are not very serious.

I recomend to not warmup outside ow
For me the best way to train is to do warmup into some workshop modes
Q3PBT - stand on circle which add genji or phara (+mercy if you want) this bots will jump dash fly like actual players which make them hard to kill - good training mode.
Also classic way for me is anna hs only map anubis for medium range and numbani for medium-long range shots. I am maining Ashe too. At this mode you practice simple aim and some flicks. For hardflick training I increase anna’s ms to +30-50% and try to kill them all before 1st killed get back from spawn (like a goal for training)
Also this is good for tracking practice ZWSG6
I don’t know about how to fast warmup, but it usually takes me 30m-60m to feel my aim consistency and I am okay to do it every day before comp or even qp matches to enjoy the process instead of blaming myself for playing bad.
Peak 4022 SR, arm-wrist aim combined, 900 dpi 4.5 OW


I always see these posts about aim trainers are these a pc only thing? I wanna work on my aim on console, tbh aim assist isnt all that helpful the only times i notice it is sitting idle and someone runs past my screen. Would be nice to work on my unscoped shots on ana

I think they are only available on PC, though you can hook up your PC with a controller to do aim training

He only has 2 hours per day its better for him to play kovaaks while he is in queue time it will warm you up all the same you dont warm up by aiming at different heroes you just learn where their hitboxes are ^

When you are warming up you are not doing aim practice you are just getting your blood flowing in hands if you know already where the hitboxes are you are not going to forget it etc its reason most esport players have the little heat pockets with them on stage.

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Can i ask how old are you?

Me? I am 18

Ah i didnt expect that when i was reading your original post. I thought you are over 30 like me when i did read about being very rusty without proper warm up :smile:

Haha dont worry. Its hard figuring this kind of stuff just from a bunch of words. It is nice with some warm up though =]

I jump straight into comp. why waste skill on training?

Seems like a really high eDPI, of 8000. But who am i to say when you’re ranked much higher than i am! You seem to have great aim for that high of sensitivity.

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If I dont train/warm up before playing my aim would be worse than a bottom 500 =]

It is quite high indeed, though I have played with this sens my whole life and gotten so used to wrist aim =]