Young Ashe: I want a skin of the day Ashe discarded her rich pampered lifestyle: A torn dress, with concealed weapons adorning underneath her ripped skirt, streaming makeup and mascara on her savage face. BOB can be his old butler self with bullet dents on his arms.
Labcoat Winston and/or Mercy and/or Moira: Back when he worked with Overwatch, he was dressed like a scientist. Along with Mercy or Moira, I think they’d look great adorned with a labcoat.
Valkyrie suit Moira: How do we not have her demonic antithesis to Mercy’s armor yet? This would be an obvious addition.
Just a few ideas I could find official art for. Anyone else have ideas?
This would also be a great welcome. Why not use her cap and jacket as her pilot skin and make her MEKA look like early testing tech?
the labcoat photo you showed was for mercy, not moira
Oops, though I typed mercy’s name in both spots, my mistake!
I imagine they’ll do what they did for Retribution. Give skins from that time. Like Mei being in crypto freeze and Winston still in Lunar colony.
I hope Ashe does get something good.
Symmetra hasn’t had an archive skin but honestly I hope she gets either a victory pose or highlight intro showing off her golden gun.
Hopefully they will give us the recolor for OR-14 Orisa skin as saw in the Rein short
I want that Reaper to be a skin as well. Just a topless Gabriel that has smoke particle effects.
This would be pretty great.
Can we get Academy Symmetra? The one from her spray?
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More ideas :
Soldier 76 > her archive spray > with clothing she have before her call to go in a mech
Brigitte > Origin Story
For the list of the skin I’m sure for
- Brigitte 2) D.Va 3) Bastion 4) Moira 5) Genji 6) Ashe
I’ll start with the more likely list:
Red Death Reaper (Masquerade)
Jester Sombra (Masquerade)
Formal Widowmaker (Masquerade)
Labcoat Mercy
Labcoat/shirt and tie Moira
Valkyrie suit Moira
Any of the Ashe concept arts (though they said her long hair would be an issue)
Super unlikely:
Concept Art male Mercy (though they’d need a voice actor, could be issues with hit boxes and some could call it blackface)