Arcade right now is unplayable

Every mode is trash, EVERY SINGLE ONE.
What good is feedback if no action is taken.


There is a difference between personal opinions, and legitimate feedback.

To say “I don’t like x” while another person says “I like x” is a lot different than a legit unplayable game due to bugs, overtuning, etc

Sorry you don’t like them, but you dont have to play them :man_shrugging: even so you just need 9 wins for 3 boxes and some gamemodes change daily, wait till you see one you like


I’m pretty sure I’m in the majority of players who do not like rng modes.

There is a huge playerbase who like MH and live in it, and thats the only rng mode out right now as MH Deathmatch lasted a day and got switched out for winter events (and if I remember right unlimited is an event rn which is qp without hero limitations unless its already changed over)

So what exactly is RNG about the rest of them?


I mean there is Yeti hunter, that’s fun. Of all the asymmetrical games/gamemodes out there, this is one of the better ones. I also know that some really like the high stakes feeling of Mei’s Snowball offense (not a fan myself). MH is pretty popular (again, not for me, but its got a big enough following that its very common).

But hey, maybe tomorrow there will be something better (assuming there are daily arcades still). Otherwise next week should have some new ones.

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I agree, I think that all of the game modes are not the good ones. I don’t think they are trash… they are just the ones I don’t like.

But I also realize not everyone likes Total Mayhem and FFA as much as I do. Hopefully the daily random one switches to one of these so I can knock out the rest of my lootboxes.

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Welp, i like mystery deathmatch


No limits is basically where I’m going to hang out for the rest of the week.

It’s tolerable at least, and most of all, reminds me the start of OW where No limits was the norm. It’s certainly something, experiencing it with people trying to win alongside newer additions like Ashe, and old comps like the four soldiers or bastions.

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I hate mystery deathmatch lol

It’s luck that makes you win

Explain what makes the arcade trash at this moment?

It’s not a perfect solution, but you can set up a PUG of your favorite game mode in the Custom Browser. Invite a few friends and hopefully you will garner a few more players hunting for the same mode.

Mystery heroes is one of the best game modes in Overwatch. Removing your teams ability to screw up and/or selfishly pick heroes improves the game a ton. Plus if you lose due to RNG when the other team gets 4 tanks and two lucio, oh well. Less nerd rage at the players being it’s RNG.

comp and QP would both be magical places if the over all attitude of MYS hero players could be transferred over to the base game. Plus it’s a great way to see how well your hero pool holds up when one can’t just play their fav heroes.


Be aware folks, the new game mode is coming: Mistery everything.
When you play a eandom character and perform an action, the action itself is randomized.
You get HoG and try to use his right click, get scope instead.
Then you try to use scope with your m1, get a junk nade instead.
Trying to use guardian angel as Mercy? Too bad, you acidentally hooked the enemy.
Ulting as Lucio to get barrier? A sudden explosive mecha appear from your weapon instead.


Mistery is so bad, instead of letting mistery heroes be permanent, make it a “mistery slot”, where mistery anything can appear, normal, duel or deathmatch, i don’t care.

Yesterday we had 3 slots with mistery content, it’s not fair.

Mystery Heroes was voted as the most popular arcade mode we have.


they had this, wasn’t popular.
It had multiple game modes.
Girl Power, Shimada Bros, Mobawatch…

It’s no secret that the game modes this week are some of the least popular. That’s beyond personal opinion.

There are still people who like them. It’s an opinion. An opinion of disliking or liking something isn’t “beyond personal opinion” it’s literally an opinion.

And there is still one of the most popular game modes going right now that never goes away (MH) which is up there with Deathmatch (Non RNG version) in popularity and there should still be a daily cycle of events that people can choose from

Sorry that whatever system in place that chooses the gamemodes chose “unpopular” ones, but you still dont have to play them. No one is forcing arcade upon people. And even if you want to just get the 9 wins for lootboxes over with, wait for the daily cycle to choose something you personally like

Yeti Hunt is literally broken.
Yeti ults randomly outta nowhere.

I’m not talking about a game mode that comes randomly, i’m talking about the arcade slot itself.
Mystery slot would be, like, this week Mystery Heroes, the next week Mystery Deathmatch, the next after that, mystery duel.
The slot that has Mystery heroes as permanent mode would rotate follow Mystery stuff weekly, is about this i’m talking about.

No limits is ok