ARCADE: 2-2-2 role que (game mode)

look i believe this game needs this mode bad but in arcade

playing Comp is just another QP and QP is very unorganized
i believe that there should be a arcade game that has role que with the real 6 roles
Main Tank
Off - Tank
Hitscan DPS
Flex DPS
flex support
main support

another thing is that heroes shouldn’t be restricted i believe that all heroes should be opening in this role que and it would be better for team to be more organize and be fun in picking comps and metas (ARCADE ONLY)


  • first it not changing your style of play if you are a dva main just pick off tank as your role if your a soldier main just pick hitscan as your role if your a genji main just pick flex dps (etc.)

  • forcing a role is not all that bad which includes all heroes open aswell to all roles to still make other metas

  • THIS IS AN ARCADE GAME (which is simple and lower toxicity since its not in comp)


Why not just make a system for Comp/Quickplay? :slight_smile:

✅ [Role Select] Finalizing this concept

Personally I don’t think we need anything as rigid as having EVERY role selected, especially when you don’t need a hitscan, main healer or main-tank for many teamcomps.

I think just a basic 2-2-2 would be perfectly fine.

I’d imagine he’s suggesting the Arcade Mode as a proof of concept kinda thing, like how Blizzard wanted to use arcade modes.

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tbh qp needs to stay the same

they need a practice comp like every other abilities team base game

and comp need to stop being like qp

That’s why 6Flex is still an option.
But you also got 2Flex-2Heal-2Tank.

Agreed. Just put in a simple 2/2/2. You’d be surprised how many Tanks can play both Main or Off tanks etc, and if we have solid structure, people could actually start playing various heroes of there role on a more regular basis. Whereas if you have an awful comp, people will tend to default to there most played in that role, just so it’s not as 1 sided.

Plus, there’s a lot of ambiguity in how some heroes are played. I’ve seen arguments that Hammond is both a main tank or and an off-tank.

Likewise, many people argue that with the reduction in healing, Mercy works better as an off-healer.

The roles have never really had a hard definition and I don’t think they need one to make role queue work.

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