Arabic chat please?

What long topic do you need to talk about in overwatch chat tho

oh :frowning_face: thanx for the reply WyomingMyst u r like a hero in these forums .well … I will wait for that day and hope it is close I think Arabic player are present in huge amounts in this game so investing some won’t be bad idea
thanx for the reply

I thought Overwatch was played pretty heavily in Philippines. It should be a no brainer.

but… they added servers for the middle east area…
so there is no chance we gonna get arabic in chat anytime soon?

The vast majority of video games either have no support for arabic, or they put in something and it’s awful.

I used to know nothing about it, but Rami Ismail (a game developer) has made a big push in trying to educate people and hold companies accountable.

He made this useful site too: