Apparently, I'm the only person in the universe who likes Overwatch

I criticize various things for the same reason, so I don’t blame you.

As I said to somebody else, what gets to me the most isn’t stuff like “Brigitte is OP” or “Doomfist is useless” or whatever, but talking about how the entire game sucks, how almost all the heroes are useless, how it’s only a matter of time before it hemorrhages players and dies, how this has already started, etc.

If I read that and then look down the list of threads and see nothing but complaints, I start to wonder if maybe there’s something to the idea that another game I love might turn into a ghost town.

(EDIT: Oh yeah, and also stuff like “The alleged 40 million people who play this game? It’s nowhere NEAR that, because people are losing interest and leaving, because the game sucks.”)

Having said that…

Looking at the rest of their catalogue, I suppose that’s true.

Those who complain are the ones who cares about the game the most.
Otherwise no one would waste their time but just find another game.

I really enjoy the game :slight_smile:

Well I love Overwatch… It’s just i get so bored easily or maybe because no mod servers like tf2

If it does happen, it would be the devs faults, not yours lol. Trying to pretend everything is sunshine and rainbows doesn’t change the many issues underlying the game

I’m right here with you.

Recently found love for Symmetra, though I still main Widow. It’s fun to relax and play a hero with a different mindset. Instead of worrying about JUST aim and practically nothing else, I get to do the opposite of worrying about EVERYTHING except aim.

It’s fun.

Alternatively, I have a Roadhog One-Trick a count that I use when I just want to play Hog.

I haven’t figured why the forum is full of complainers. I love the game, besides the sym rework. (I am fitting this statement in anywhere possible.)

I absolutely love Overwatch, it’s the players I can’t stand most of the time.

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I love Overwatch too and came to the forums to find like-minded folks to chillax with, but yeah these forums are a bummer, I made a thread about the same thing wondering if I should just cut my losses and find greener pastures. Still on the fence, though I am enjoying myself a little more now that I can post pictures.


Look up the term “negativity bias”.

it is hard to be positive when so many issues go unfixed and that the only thing shown love is comp cause esperts =/

I love Overwatch and I don’t think I’ve complain at all.
If it wasn’t fun I wouldn’t be here nor playing it. As for the forums, I’ve just learnt which threads to follow and which people to avoid.

A smiling player is quieter than a tilted player throwing a tantrum…

While I do enjoy the game, the current state and direction it appears to be heading are starting to make me turn to other games. But to each his own

I love the game, It just annoys me how the Devs have let some problems untended for so long such as competitive mode.

I’m honestly taking an extended break until more changes are implemented to fix the many problems with Competitive, but I still play Arcade every so often. I should dip into QP to keep my aim sharp. It turns out my aiming skills in PlanetSide don’t transfer over very well.

I enjoy the game but I don’t think it’s a perfect game man

It isn’t perfect, you’re right. But the way the forums describe this game would have you believe that “imperfect” = “worse then Superman 64”, which Overwatch is not.

I love the game, I hate how people act about it.

I mean I love overwatch, But, I hate aspects of the game greatly.

I like it