Apologize for this official tweet

I’m just not a fan of the official Overwatch Twitter alluding to it

Like when Jeff said a certain D.va skin would “break the internet” and it was a school girl uniform.

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So… Have Blizzard’s social media manager ever even met a human being, before?

It’s for the safety of the player base

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Maybe Blizzard should open OnlyHeroes, where various heroes of Overwatch would be represented by content of various degrees of perversion and depravity. I expect it to be more profitable, than their BP.

Dan “The Man” Schneider

But we do have Widow feet. :blush:

Why does it even matter? It’s not like people with feet fetish or anything else that is legal and consensual are hurting anyone. Let them have fun.

P.S. Where is my Cyber Nun Sombra skin?