Apex will strong arm Overwatch into going free-to-play

Yea, following this conversation at the point where it goes nowhere after some itty bitty toddler who thinks he’s got some wits about him is definitely my style

oo now we are calling names. Shows how mature you are and why no one should listen to a thing you say!!

You wanted to prove a point but are starting to get angry. You shouldn’t give people your 2 cents when you cant take your own.

You’re right, they shouldn’t listen to me

Because they have access to a search engine like anyone else

So why don’t you search back the history of people saying overwatch would go F2P since day one. But here we are. Stop reading things and believing they will come true. People Said Hillary would be president. But here we are.

I don’t think you understand…

This isn’t hearsay of one random follower to another

But a matter of a company saying they want to market their game on a F2P platform in order to make more money

It isn’t very surprising that the game being hurt by Apex has been Fortnite. After all, they’re basically the same game. Overwatch doesn’t seem to be affected much at all.

Are you serious? They are the lowest they have been in a really long while. They have been going downhill since Blizzcon and they took another hit when Apex released.

Are you referring to the free to play prediction by analyst Michael Pachter?

Because as far as I am aware Activision-Blizzard have said no such thing and he has nothing to do with the company and has been wrong quite a few times before.

He even predicted that the Ps3, Wii and xbox360 would be the last generation of consoles…

If you have evidence that overwatch is going to free to play or keywords to actually find what you are talking about from someone other than him I would love to hear about it.

going free to play with the current comp mode and ranking system is suicide.
Play consol OW to figure out why

The forges are hot
They are working on multiple projects!

No predictions. I wasn’t even aware that there was a need for it to be… predicted

there was some information going around about Activision not being happy about the income Overwatch brought in and how they were considering a F2P model to help boost OWL sales

Honeymoon era…the shiny new thing era…then the hammer drops

other games have did it before as well such as the MOBA smite which i like better honestly but apex is 9001 times better than OW. I also hate when I accidently emote instead of saying thanks bc of how finicky OW’s is

apex is such a different genre it wont stop people from playing bits of both so it wont kill or force OW to do anything sadly