Apex will strong arm Overwatch into going free-to-play

I agree about Overwatch, but WoW? I’m certain I would be playing WoW a lot more if it was f2p, which would probably lead to me getting immersed in the lore, which in turn would make me play more and buy all their in-game store sh*t. And if they had cosmetic items for transmogs in that store, I’d be spending literally all my income to play dress up.

But maybe I’m just a different type of “gamer”. I didn’t play WoW when it first came, I only hopped on during MoP, which is when most people were already fed up with it.

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It may be, but what all did the game being to the table that hasn’t been done before?

It’s quality, but it’s not ground breaking by any means

Being able to respawn your team into a BR game is something I havent seen done before.

Very creative indeed

Perhaps people who tried it and liked it, but couldn’t / wouldn’t buy it for $20?

You and ones like you are what drives people away from the game. Smurfing regardless of reason is cancerous and makes games unfun.

The guy might have multiple accounts for competitive so he can practice each role without it affecting his other stats: dps competitive, tank competitive, healer competitive, the 4th… idk

Yeah, I agree! I would (and did) give it a chance, initially through the free starter thing and then I subbed for the heck of it for a bit. My die hard friend brought me in and I played with her for a while. End of the day though, I couldn’t help but feel like I was playing a 10 year old game…

She hopped back into the game after throwing a ton of money at the Bless MMO release and being disappointed. I gave up on WoW quite early on…

People will jump in and give it a shot but what I meant was that they already captured the majority of players that are interested. Unlike digging up old music or movies, many gamers don’t really go back and invest themselves in older titles. Even if they are pretty good.

The ones that know they enjoy playing MMOs, they probably searched up every popular title and made an opinion on which ones they liked/tried them out. All the players that fell for WoW (especially back when it was fresh) would rather just stay. People like me that kind of want something new… well, all of my friends are on WoW. So we either give in or move on.

They don’t have to try and capture my interest - they know that I already know about their game and either I have the money/resources/friends to convince me to invest three months into it (I think I read a while back that it is an MMO producer’s goal to make every player sub for at least 3 months to get a decent return on investment) or that I don’t want to play. They know they are the biggest option available right now and that even if something new comes and their players leave to check it out, they’ll likely be back (saving player stats/valuables/banks/money/etc - it is a good service for players but it also means that there is more to lose if you leave the game completely) and when they come back, they will continue to pay the sub.

Blizzard almost feels like gaming’s version of Disney - build a quality brand that feels almost synonymous with your genre. Themeparks = Disney, MMO = Warcraft, Tissues = Kleenex; the players will stay simply because everything else looks so soulless/temporary. The way I try to convince my friends to play Overwatch, I feel like they must view me the same way I viewed my other friend trying to sell me on WoW. :joy:

I successfully brought 2 of my friends on to Overwatch, one a year after release, another - two years, just recently. Both liked the game but just like me, it’s the world and characters that truly captured their attention.

At this point whatever happens to Overwatch the game, I just pray Blizzard won’t let the universe go. I picked up OW at a very difficult time in my life and it helped me get though. I know I would instantly but a single player story game, I would probably give a mobile game a fair chance too. I don’t even play that much anymore, but I can’t let the universe go…

Apex has literally taken some of the fire from the BR genre that Fornite has been carrying. To suggest it’s status of having any impact is ill-advised. There is not as much content in that game as there was OW.

The difference between the two games is vast. OW was a very good game with a lot to it. It was updated with new things time after time. It has now been left alone for too long.

Apex has just released. It’s new. We don’t know what will become of it. You cannot compare Apex to OW. The problem with OW was not its model. The problem is that it has been neglected for too long.

Many streamers are playing Apex for financial reasons. It’s a gold mine right now. In a short time, they will all return back to the games they were usually playing.

My main account is lower rank than my smurf.

Did my main account become my smurf?

Did the trainee surpass the master?

Did the original account become everything he swore to destroy?

They paid streamers to play it for a while and made a lot of advertising, its quite normal for the game that it is.

Its like a new burger place that has a new sauce, it will explode in the first 2 months … then … its still a burger place. It will go down fast and keep a regular amount of casual players.

Dont be fooled by numbers and the “flashy” stats.

Wait a minute… Apex. Ape. Winston confirmed for Apex Legends.

(sorry I don’t take offtopic discussion seriously)

No because dat smurf money. :money_mouth_face:
The game only just cut it’s retail price - 3 years after release.

Overwatch is quite literally strong arming itself to go F2P.

Simply put, they want more money than they are getting.

Get rich quick scheme?

Market the game as F2P, no more free skins, advertise the crap out of OWL anywhere possible.

You bring in new people by the hundreds every other day and it’s a constant stream of money.

Yeah, gimme gimme

Nom Nom salty salt. … Activision Blizzard stocks are rising still even with layoffs lol OVerwatch wont be f2p. Apex doesn’t have a esports league making them money. Ea will ruin that game like they do everygame. With 200$ lootboxes.

Pretty sure you can google the documentation… if its still out there. They have/are certainly considering it, last I heard

yeah they have been “considering it” since the forums were made.

Don’t take my word for it.

Do your own research instead of blindly following something you don’t even know if you believe in or not

o you mean like you are right now??