Apex Legends Ping system in Overwatch

No fair Jeff…I said it first!

I’d love a ping for two reasons.

Focus fire a target.
Bring focus to the bloody Reaper I’ve slept in the back.

“But why aren’t you just telling them in voice chat” Oh but I am. And I’m always there alone. Or people can’t focus on listening and playing at the same time.


The pinging system in Apex is by far the best I’ve ever seen. This thread got me thinking in a good way to implement it into Overwatch. It would be handy if you saw a flanking mccree and pinged him and it did the same thing it does in apex. I definitely get mics are an option, but realistically its not something all of us use and typing ‘mcree behind’ usually will take too long.

Pings should only be from active members, no spectators having that ability though. I would also still want this to be squelchable for people who spam pings unnecessarily.

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Dont be blatantly ignorant. You can’t just say to other people what to do and what to buy. Let people play the way they want to play. Many players want to play without using mic because some reasons. This game is already 3 years old but they are so many who do not use mic. Same goes to Fortnite when you play with random squad. Apex does so well with the ping system and why not OW does too. Imagine being a healer and 5 of your teammates spamming “i need healing”. Would not that be a problem too? Try to think twice. Your comment is so obvious that you put your emotion into it.

Wouldn’t this problem be solve if you implemented team role such as leader who calls the shots, scouter who can ping the enemy, and others?

  • Leader: Additional Voice Line
    • Are you ready?
    • Fallback
    • Charge
    • Cover your flank
  • Scout: Access to ping
  • Rest: Common Voicelines
    • Affirmative
    • Negative
    • Need backup

This doesn’t impact the heroes, but it gives the players with the role with additional tools that cannot be spam by everyone. It can also improve team coordination by allowing the team to assign the roles a head of time.

Please, if you don’t want to make ping system then at least remove “Group up with me” message when pressing “I need healing” button when unintentionally targeting someone as a healer. And make “I need healing” message to be visible for non-healers (or when used with full hp) as “I need help” for everyone. With some alert sounds.

Still all ping problems mentioned by Jeff are fixable for Overwatch.

I don’t use mic because I’m 12 and people are toxic constantly

Please, oh please, do something about the “Come to me for Healing!” ping when directed towards a teammate as a starting point.

As a Support, it’s done by aiming “I need Healing.” (it’s keybind on the comms wheel, say X, you press X) and aim at a teammate with it, and it signals them to come over to you to get healed in Team Chat.

Very rarely does the hero completely say “Come to me and I will heal you/Come to me to get healed!”, the actual voice line IS in there, but for some reason it’s perturbingly rare, when I ping a teammate, it just tells them to “Group up” over comms instead, and it’s usually very likely people won’t listen to it like usual.

Maybe it could work as such, The Support hero audibly calling out to their teammate like: “(Hero name), come to me for healing!” or “Come over here to get healed, (Hero Name)” that only their target can hear, Like if an Ana says it to a Genji. He would hear his name, but the team wouldn’t. Or their name/player name is in Bold or Italics, or heavily punctuated. (!!!)

Very similar to how you can direct “Group up with me!” at a teammate to say “I’m with you!” over comms to them, or especially magnify it somehow, like a mixture of the Healing symbol and the Group Up symbol.

Please, communication is essential in Overwatch, and I genuinely feel this is a good step in the right direction!


I am a support player. May I suggest at least adding something to make supports ask for help. Sometimes people aren’t in the voice chat and it is impossible to communicate via text while being attacked in the back line.
(An “I need to recharge” as Moira wouldn’t be too bad either for the lower ranks, I used to run out of healing a lot when I was learning her kit back in the day).

Keep up the good work

Here’s a thought (based on the other replies/requests)…
make/develop ATHENA as a support character
Players playing as Athena can:
+Beacon Ability - ping/highlight nearest opposing team’s player based on what the ATHENA role player is looking at. --This ability highlights ATHENA’s role as an AI indicating points of interest…this has a cooldown
+ASSIST Ability-give one of your teammate’s the ability to highlight locations for # seconds – This ability allows Athena to support another team member who wants to lead…you cannot use this ability at the same time as you are using your Beacon ability (these two abilities (Beacon/Assist) can interrupt each other whichever ability button is used last is the one that will work)

  • temporarily give an individual player on your team or several players on your team a shield/health/speed based (on what Overwatch balancing seems to work)

  • ult fire is a slide/swipe/slash/drag motion where Athena (player) is predicting a target’s potential motion. the ult’s damage increases if you correctly predict the next couple locations/movements of the player or is wasted if you predict poorly (you could have this ult sort of like doomfist where ATHENA sees a bird’s eye view and you predict/swipe the movement of an opponent)

I don’t know what the primary fire would be for this character but it could involve the bullets being tiny sensors/chips that ATHENA is sending out to gather data…if the sensor hits a teammate (heal/boost speed)…if the sensor hits an opponent cause damage (disable opponent/damage opponent). To keep the game balanced this primary fire could have a slower/faster rate of fire.

This character would provide/allow for pinging (in Overwatch, we can call it an ATHENA AI Beacon) character ability rather than an option that can be spammed by everyone (this limits points/areas of interest to only 1 at any given time).

In this role…you can lead a team by calling/directing points/characters of interest (a zarya at full charge/a soldier in his ult/etc)…provide assistance based on your perspective (toss out health or speed based what you think the team needs to be doing) (ie…if you as ATHENA see the team stuck in a choke you can give speed or if you see the team having trouble defending you can give shields/health to sustain) and lastly act like an AI by predicting character behavior/movement as your ult and by sending out robot sensors that feed you data/help you learn

A new character would be cool solution/improvement/contribution to the game. My suggestion is ATHENA as an AI based support character

text chat would be handy aswell, people are either dumb or blind and just don’t res fallen teammates, which is super crucial on grandmaster difficulty. You can’t kill damn titan alone

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What about a Ping a ability for a Hero? Like Zen’s Discord could send a sound and maybe tiny arrow signal (when in sight line) to all allies. maybe it would make Zen too strong, i don’t know, but think about, if you haven’t already. :slight_smile:


Honestly I would really appreciate it as a support main. A lot of the time people dont even join voice, or dont have mics. Ive seen so many times flankers going for a back cap and the team thinking out Mercy is spamming group up for god knows what ever reason. ‘‘come to me for healing’’ just shows up as group up (not to mention its kind of unreliable and can even mess up when a support is asking for healing themselves), so supps trying to get teams attention cause they need help, want to tell them where to move for healing and alert them of a flank/back cap are going to sound the same and often get drowned out as spam.

I would also love to be able to ping slept flankers, to get the teams attention.

Im going to have to agree with Jeff on this one. The way the game is now on the system. It’s fine.

Question for you Jeff, Off topic. Answer if you like. no rush.

BTW Jeff. Have you all had a discussion on the game’s engine and utilization issues between the GPU and the CPU.

Or does Overwatch have to remain reliant, heavily on the CPU. Due to this game’s engine, due to input lag possibilities. I know that many of us have been talking about low frame-rate issues and there really hasn’t been a public statement from the game’s development team on what hardware the game is being tested on. I just put in the RTX 2060 on my machine and have seen No real major significant gains in performance between the GTX 1060 and the new RTX 2060. I’d like a path into knowing where my hardware purchases should be to accommodate Overwatch.

Yeah I know. The hardware companies wouldn’t like this. But we are seeing low frame dips on certain maps such as Rialto

Thnx! :slight_smile:

I suggest a tactician or main Tank who can ping as an ability similar to the Apex Legends. It would be helpful and not spammy since it would be a hero’s tool kit.

Let the “shot caller” be able to mark opponents with a skull ala WOW. That would be awesome.