Apex Legends has one mechanic that could help OW


The contextual ping system looks cool. I’ve been wishing they would add something like this in Overwatch based on my experience with Hawken. This, more or less the same as the own Hawken uses but vastly improved upon.

agree that ping is a must for OW

even the Wow marking system (skull, star, condom) would be a measurable improvement for no-mic play

Why would it?

We do not actively tag multiple enemies even after they moved outside of our los. We could just only ping one guys last position where we see it as long as we had los with it when we pressed the ping button.

The one mechanic Apex has that OW doesn’t is that the game is actually FUN to play.
OW is so far away from that at the moment its ridiculous.

Maybe you haven’t played Apex enough to see it, but there are a lot of over-enthusiastic players that will spam the enemy ping, which is a custom keybind. It’s not the default ping which says enemy if the enemy is directly on the crosshair… it’s only “enemy here”. They use it track enemies, through walls, just by the sound of their footsteps.

With characters like Sombra who could actually have vision on the enemy from behind enemy lines, and characters who can remain in the sky for a very long time (Pharah, Mercy) you’re looking at what is essentially Zen’s Discord through walls, but throughout the course of the match instead of on a 3 second LoS mechanic.

Hanzo and Widow will get some value out of being able to focus headshot placement against enemy snipers/duelers, but any form of value that wallhack abilities gave to teammates becomes incredibly redundant.

I know exactly how pings work, i even played games where you could mass ping every visible enemies concrete location to teammates permanently by spamming the button for it but the thing is the enemy can do the same.

You are talking about this like its some one sided advantage when everyone could do it. Hanzo’s and Widows wallhack doesnt require them or any of the teammates to have los or to even hear the enemy moving around. They can activate it from afar and see exact locations with full body movements and not just an approx on where did your teammate last seen that guy moving.

A sombra at max efficiency could “mark” 1 guy moving around and for the pharah i doubt most players could secure kills, “mark” targets all while avoiding getting shot down.

Also the enemy still has access to this so they also can get a sombra behind the lines, a sniper watching over the field, a pharah in the air or a hammond/winston and soo on. It is not one sided.

Well, Widow and Hanzo would still have lots of value with their abilities.

Like I use Hanzo’s sonic arrow a lot like the ping system. When I see someone at a flanking point, I’ll fire the arrow so people are aware of it. So for Hanzo, I think it would have a pretty good selling point.

The other thing that is big is of course just seeing the character model moving, where pinging (even in the BF sense) is just you knew the dot was moving around temporarily.

You don’t need LOS. You can ping the area, and the wall they’re behind, and it gets the exact same effect.

It is a pretty great feature for Apex. It’d have to be tweaked for Overwatch, but there could be a place for it. Really, everyone should be in voice chat, but I know some people just aren’t going to be, so this would help the teams that get stuck with those people a little bit.

Did you missed half of the text here?

I said the exact same. Widows and Hanzos wallhack doesnt even need anybody to be in hearing range, to even have any idea that the enemy could be behind the wall, you will see anybody at all times.

As i said ping is an effect beneficial for both teams and it does not invalidate any hero skills we have.

Did you not read what I wrote?

Undervaluing the presence of existing mechanics isn’t beneficial for heroes.

Having 12 concurrent pings all on the same battlefield means that each player on each team can keep track of one enemy on the opposing team, eliminating much need for any pre-emptive reconnaisance wallhack abilities unless you’re specifically going for a headshot. Wallhack abilities already had a power reduction in recon use cases when Sombra’s opportunist passive got blanketedly applied to all damage.

That’s the value that comes out of these abilities if pings get introduced… they become only useful for snipers, to counter other snipers. They become worthless as teammate assistance, because they’re always going to be keeping tabs on enemies through pings.

Okay, please explain to me how does pinging undervalues complete wallhack what doesnt require any teammate to actively look for “presence” of the enemy?

First of all sombras passive to work you need any enemy below 50% hp.

Second, in what realistic sceniario do you think any team in overwatch could even keep up 6 concurrent pings accross the battlefield?

These wallhacks wont lose their relevance because realistically we dont have survivalence cameras all across the map like in rainbow six siege and even there i mass ping everybody constantly, dont try to tell me that once pings get in everybody suddenly becomes a recon drone. Just because i can ping a wall that i hear the hog behind it that wont gonna give us anykind of useful info if i do this next to the orisa in a chokepoint where all of us know they are behind that wall.