Apex Legends has one mechanic that could help OW

It’s not like it’s new thing, battlefield had it ages ago.

Man, if there was such a thing where you could communicate with your teammates without multiple button presses and with minimum effort, /s

Good idea. Would be cool if they added something like this to the game.

I’m bad at FPS games with, well, actual FPS elements
but I played Apex last night nd it was super fun! even if I forgot to properly aim my weapons ahah
The ping system is amazing honestly, you can ping everything and its super helpful, especially since not everyone is comfortable talkign in mics.
Ping an enemy flanking, ping some epic loot and so on ;W;


I would not like that on PC. Maybe on console where probably less people use voice chat, but I can see it being annoying/distracting.

To that I say: why should people be able to turn off voice chat but not pings?

Why should some people who would want an optional feature not be allowed to have it because others are fine with the game as is?

It would be a mandatory feature. If you turned off pings, you’d be at a huge disadvantage. Plus, how would people know who has pings on/off?

Now I have to ask people to join voice and enable pings when rounds start.

The ping system is fantastic. Played a couple games of Apex and went back to league and was like damn I can’t ping that the enemy is behind that wall. :disappointed:

“To that I say: why should people be able to turn off voice chat but not pings?”

They shouldn’t be able to turn off voice chat for competitive. Reports for gameplay sabotage related to this should be enforced. Pings would be pointless in this game as the maps and objectives are small enough that with actual communication it isn’t a problem - at least on PC.

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I actually had more ideas in addition to this. Mind giving it a view?

I wouldn’t be surprised if a ping system was considered for Overwatch at some point in the past but was decided against because of the game’s fast speed, and visual clutter that a bunch of pings could cause.

Plus they do really want people to use voice chat even if some won’t and proper voice chat > pinging.

Not opposed to the idea. Would certainly help a lot in situations where people aren’t speaking but it’s just a matter of how to implement it into Overwatch.

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The longer i played the more i started to wonder why we dont have such basic features like point at an enemy and say “x is flanking”, “attack target”, “x has ult ready” and soo on.

We need these functions for the game to evolve.

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I agree. Apex’s ping system is so intuitive.

I was playing McCree in CTF last night, and found myself habitually pressing middle-mouse click to ping. It felt so natural to do (though I can’t imagine what button you’d press on controllers).

But I know it won’t happen roster-wide. That said, I would like to see that feature be integrated into Zen’s kit proper. He’s already got a similar mechanic to it that they might as well just make it a passive to Discord. All teammates see the chevron above enemy Discord targets, not just Zen.

I can’t really see a reason not to tbh. The only downside is visual clutter but who even cares at this point.

I’m not familiar with how it works in Apex but as long as it doesn’t give wallhacks (just points to their location when pinged).

Worst case scenario it gets ignored and unused by most players like every other chat option, best case scenario it improves uncoordinated play.

Thow I hate battle royal, apex looking interesting. Ping is very useful feature.

Played as Mirage a bit. Like his illusion mechanic…

Beware, Blizz.

What a fascinatingly stupid statement.

Any game with Battle Royal is garbage and i love multiplayer games but i refuse to support and game that adds the battle royal, lets hope overwatch doesnt add Battle Royal because if they do i am gone

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I don’t see the point of hating on things just to hate on them…

I feel like a ping system could be great. Calling out an enemy flanker’s position or pointing to where you’re planning on putting that Torb ult sounds like it could really flesh out and encourage team play in a solo-queue environment.

Flashbacks of the question mark ping from lol intesifies.