Anyone kinda excited for the Experimental's getting created by Pros? [Blizzcon]

Not at all

All these changes with more of a focus on higher level play has pretty much killed the casual or newer player experience; hell it’s even burnt out PROS themselves

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My opinion is typically more valuable than theirs because I am more intelligent than they are. Kind of like how coaches are the ones who actually understand the game and teach those plebs how to actually play.

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oh that sounds cool didnt hear anything abt it is it based on the recent SVB’s experiment?

Rip Brig, and Doom can flick other enemies for OHK.


Nah, to be honest you can think about it but you’ll never be as accurate as them since you are not on their games. It makes no sense that you say that u can balance the game better than a pro can, just because you’re more “intelligent”
It just makes no sense

Anyone want to argue with a straight face that the people who have a private invite only channel to the devs and who have demonstrably driven most if not all of the experimental card changes are going to do anything different from what we’ve had?

Nothing has changed, they’re just being open about it now.

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Whats this about Experimentals created by Pros? I feel like I’ve missed the source.

Honestly I want a MASSIVE experimental that gives buffs or nerfs to EVERY hero in the game. That would really change up the meta and it would be chaos lmao

Not really. Too be honest, a lot of streamers and pro players are out of touch with most of the community (in terms of ranks, playstyles, etc).

I’m sure what they suggest will feel good for GM, Master, and maybe even Diamond players, but it will probably feel horrible for anyone below those ranks. The reason is, the very high rank players (especially pro players) play a different game than the rest of us.

We may all be playing “OverWatch”, but there is a huge difference between your average pro team, and 6 random dudes in Diamond. We’ve even seen it where the meta is different in OWL than anywhere on ladder. We’ve even seen it where certain heroes are near unplayable in any rank that isn’t GM or a pro team.

I just don’t see it going well. These players aren’t like us and to have game balence be in their hands is probably going to be a train wreck for most of us. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m not really optimistic about it.

I mean, look at the balence of this game already. I get why “top down” balancing is supposed to work, in theory. But all it’s lead to so far is “balence for 1% of the player base, screw how it feels for everyone else”. And you look at social media and you see these steamers and pro players whining about things that don’t affect the rest of us and it’s all just a bit… Yeah. I don’t trust game balence in their hands. They already have too much say as it is.

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I just wish they start buffing heroes instead of nerfing

Nerfing never got us anywhere there is already a while, the last time nerfing worked was the September patch

My girl lost her Headshot + melee combo but it was for a major good
After that they keep nerfing s*** and it made the game crap again

I don’t trust them at all

The more power we give the “special discord” the more changes they will get into the game with their bias and lies.

Like they will target heroes they don’t like and don’t want to see in their matches lol.

sorry if i posted on here before with the same comment lol. I feel like I did


There is a a link earlier in the thread somewhere.

i just hope they don’t nerf a hero because “nobody likes that hero”.

So it’s just a bunch of streamers making meme patchs?

not really considering for a lot of them, their stance on sym, mercy, moira and brig are neutral at best and those are the heroes I play most…

I’ll be fine with it as long as Samito goes nowhere near it.

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I dont think they will meme, but seing patch notes from actual pros wouldve been more interisting in my opinion


There’s a good chance it’ll be a bunch of ‘Pros’ trying to balance an objective-oriented team-deathmatch class-based arena FPS like it’s a tactical shooter. If that’s the case, it’s going to be a hopeless failure although those ‘pros’ are going to love it. In that case, get ready for the era of Overwatch:GO.

If it turns out to be a group of people that actually understand what Overwatch is supposed to be and can actually balance the game for what it’s supposed to be then hey, cool! I still have my doubts that a group of professional players are better game designers than… you know, actual game designers - no matter how good at the game they are.

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It’s for a fun community tournament. You shouldn’t expect serious balance changes.

Sounds like you do expect those, so if you don’t: ignore this post :slight_smile:

We’ve seen their concept of fun, see it every day on GM ladder if we watch streams, and hear their endless complaining about it. Endlessly unfun mirror matches with over half of the heroes never appearing in game? Do. Not. Want.

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