There’s a community tournament happening in march, with there own changes, but we will get to play them, the experimental. I think…
OOo that sounds interesting
Lets just hope they do a good job
So have a lot of the people on the Forums and in the community.
You are more serious, and frankly more biased. It does’ t open your eyes, it makes them narrow. You have to pay the bills based on how the game goes.
Just because they think a character is broken doesn’t mean they want that character to be bad.
Dive was busted, insanely dominant and oppressive at high levels of play. Pros still want it back in full force.
Their goal isn’t an objectively balanced game, they want a meta that’s fun.
It’s our last hope for any meaningful change, so yes.
Pros paid as much as you did to play this game. All of them bought the game before they got good enough to be pros.
They have a different agenda in that they want the game to be as much skill based as possible, but that’s actually something a lot of fans want as well.
So? It implies they want to nerf said hero to not be broken not buff said hero twice like you implied
That has nothing to do with being pros. Casuals are the same, probably to a worse degree since many casuals are one-tricks and couldn’t care less about any hero other than the one they one trick on.
Lmfao no. A joke. Having your pro players balance your game.
It’s really pathetic actually. The 99% are upset that Blizzard listens to and balances around the 1% so Blizzard goes ahead and gives the 1% the wheel.
Then proudly announces it.
It’s like…the US government up in Blizz headquarters.
No. “All heroes we deem skillfull will be amazing and other heroes will be nerfed into the floor”.
Not really. If a casual dislikes the meta they just stop playing the game altogether or at least stop till it turns into a meta they like.
A pro doesn’t have that. Regardless of how much they dislike a meta they have to play it to pay the bills. They care moreso than anyone else about the meta being enjoyable for them because they HAVE to play it 6-8 hours a day.
Their influence is what helped ruin the core game.
So no.
i am not excited if it’s anything like what the streamers have been asking for: hero bans
i want no such thing, it’s a garbage idea and a shortcut that people only thought was necessary because we weren’t getting enough balance changes. but we are getting those now so it would just ruin the game for no reason. and yes, i think letting your fellow players vote on what you’re allowed to play would literally ruin the game.
balancing around pros and pros balancing are different.
If they balance around pros they buff and nerf characters around the highest skill point in the game.
Compared to pros balancing where they want the meta they play to objectively be fun to them.
Example: Reaper needs buffs to be played in higher elos so the devs would/will buff him, the pros don’t see him as an enjoyable character to play so they wouldn’t touch him.
very different things.
One tricks don’t leave the game because it’s not “their meta”. They couldn’t care less about it as they play the same hero regardless of what meta it is. More importantly, at the casual level the metas are less restricted and off-meta heroes are not as bad as they would be at high level games.
Regardless of all that, it doesn’t change the fact that many casuals also don’t care about heroes they don’t play.
did i miss something?
When did this happen?
Its not like you cant be Fan and paud at the same time. Most pro players could get the same or more money with a different Job and effort, if they wouldnt like the game they wouldnt be a pro player