Anyone here that has played since launch?

Just curious, How exactly would you know who is lying?

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Haven’t played comp since season one because I was never interested in it. But I pre-ordered in Open Beta and have been playing since. Have every single lootbox item unlocked, all legendary OWL skins except Zarya’s and all achievements ever created in the game complete.

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I played since launch, but I skipped comp until season 3. I recently started playing it on Switch instead of Xbox.

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I dunno, but it’s the internet. People lie all the time for attention.

They do, people do off the internet too. Guess what I’m trying to point out in a hostile and not so subtle way is, what was the point of saying that if you can’t make a single sure point that anyone in here is in fact “lyin”?


Well I can’t really prove that unless they said “yeah, I was lying and you were right.”

I guess I should rephrase it and say “A good chance that most of you are lying.”

How can you say it’s a good chance if there’s no way to prove it? There’s no statistics to go off of and from what I can tell no one is saying they’ve lied about not being here from the start.

I for one can’t prove it either way, so I wouldn’t tell someone they’re lying cause there’s really no reason to say it. I’d take it at face value that players are replying to an innocuous thread and not attention seeking, but relating their experiences.


Your honor, I have an alibi and documents prove I was not at the crime scene at given time but in OW :sunglasses:

Been here since beta.

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I have old achievements from back then on PS4. I stopped playing on PS4 probably about 6 months into the release cause I hated the controller and built myself a new gaming PC specifically to play OW. It would be nice for Blizzard to implement a transfer feature for those moving from one platform to another.

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Yep, been playing since launch. PFP is somewhat proof.

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Ugh same! I tried playing with a controller at my sisters house one night and I hated it so much.

Agreed, would be nice indeed. It’s more than a reasonable request imo and also requested by others a lot.


Launch Player here but started on PS4 for about a year before getting a decent enough Notebook to play Overwatch on.

The game relies on smurfs to sell through alternate accounts. So yeah, a lot of players since launch are still in this game. They are the only reason why this game is still alive.

Been here since Beta and took PTO on the first week after launch, lol.

I’ve been playing from open beta, and competitive from season 1 to season 31 now.
But I’ve been playing this account from Season 7, because I have 4 account for Overwatch.
So if you look this account stats, perhaps you think “He maybe started Overwatch from Season 7…?”
And I guess there are not so many people played since launch, but there are more players than the number of accounts you’ve discovered.

Started during season 1, didn’t play comp till season 2.

July 2016.

Played Open Beta then got the same about 2 weeks after release

I have. Lost my original account. Have numerous others.