Anyone had a report notification

Oh. i thought you were getting notifications saying “This specific player has been banned, thank you for your report”. Never mind, forget I said anything.

Off to get more coffee…

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Blizzard is very scared of giving people’s names out, despite you reported them to get that player out

they’re weird

I mainly keep to arcade so reporting for toxicity is something I only have to do in extreme cases (and I don’t think i’ve even reported anyone for that in the last year). However, from time to time I report someone that I suspect of cheating . So far I’ve only had one notification, but that was probably the most blatant aimbotter I’ve seen in all my time playing.

There are times where you can kinda infer who it was, though.

Like I don’t report too often, but when I ran into someone spewing racial slurs in voice and text chat, and got a notification two days later without having reported anyone else in weeks… I think it’s safe to assume he was banned, lol. Always feels good seeing that pop up.

I have. It’s not that common, though. I’ve been playing since season 2 and only had it happen once or twice. It was a very blatant example of abuse at the time, and it was in the chat log.

Exactly once have i seen that action was taken

Sad but true

Yep, same here. I’ve never gotten a single thanks for reporting message my entire time playing this game which i find very annoying and it shows that the system is completely broken. Because there have so many people ive reported who 100% without question deserve punishment

Obvious stuff like going afk for a long time or jumping off the map repeatedly, and they all got away with it. I only report in ranked btw not quick play or arcade. So these are games that matter and they’re not getting punished it really makes me mad how bad their system is

Yeah I get them all the time. Every two or three days I get notifications for my reports.

Nah… I mean, i had an aimbotting Bastion in Total Mayhem (but why? Its… its arcade? What he doin?) just this morning but i dont think im gonna get a confirmation for reporting… I think they dont care as much lately as they did back in the day, probably alot of false reports or something, idk

I just got one today

I’ve had multiple messages of thanks for reporting, but none recently

Im pretty sure theyre more wondering if the reporting feature is working since they havent being seeing the thank you message for when action has been taking against them

Last august i got 3 “thanks for reporting” messages one after another.
That was ages ago

How is that possible? Im assuming you play on pc but let me know if thats wrong because im on ps4 and i literally cannot get a single report to lead to any punishment. No i dont false report or report dumb stuff like someone refusing to switch off a hero. And i only report in ranked when the games actually matter so if you screw us you deserve to be punished harshly.

I also only report when i can clearly see the behavior being done, i dont guess and i dont report when im not absolutely sure its happening

Now people have told me that blizzard uses a horrible system of needing multiple people to report someone for one offense before they are punished and in my opinion that is complete bs. One report, if accurate, should be enough to punish someone who actually did what you reported they did

This is a weird question but do you have any tips or notice any patterns for getting notifications on your reports? Im sick and tired of people screwing up my games making me lose in comp and then completely getting away with it EVERY single time it absolutely disgusts me so share your secret (if you have one) to getting people punished who clearly deserve it and did what you reported

Maybe it’s just a matter of knowing that your report made a difference in cleaning up the community. Nobody said anything about “getting off”. It’s nice to know that your reports are worth something from time to time.

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Get atleast one a month.

Yes, I do play on PC. We have a chat where people can type messages at anytime during a match or even in the main menu, so you find a lot more offensive things than you do on console. Therefore there are a lot more opportunities to report people.

I’ve only gotten three or four of those notifications on PS4 and I report every thrower, griefer, or truly disruptive/toxic person I encounter. I don’t receive the messages as often as I’d like to. I wonder if maybe only the last person who reported somebody gets them.

Ok so you’re telling me that the vast majority of your reports come from the chat rather than in game actions such as afk or feeding etc?

Because im really trying to figure out why these people are not getting punished for sitting in base for 5 minutes straight or jumping off the map 4 times in a row while spamming need healing

Yeah, I mostly report for derogatory slurs and not gameplay reasons. Blizzard probably takes the former offense more seriously too.

Yeah i got a message. It said something like my report led to actions taken against someone. The message made it clear they couldn’t go onto detail about who it was. Though i think i have an idea since i don’t report that often.