Anyone feel like there are only a few problem heroes?

Why not fixing LoS check
All we want

Oh wait right she has to become the best hitscan in the game

Nevermind don’t mind me :wink:

Please leave Ganymede.

I think Hog could use a different change tho. The balance idea for 1-3-2 was interesting but i think that maybe just a passive that reduces the ult-charge you get from him or maybe something like a bodyguard-passive. Allies who are close to him cant get one-shot or take reduced damage. Something like that might work


fixed it! its in the op.

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Thank you so much

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Honestly Junk is largely fine outside of a couple QOL changes and maybe a partial revert to his projectile size nerf. The speed is fine.

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The sole hero I take issue with is brig.

Everyone else is Gucci for the most part

Brig can be removed or get the ban hammer:unamused:

I made a post the other day. I said 4.

Tanks: Rein too strong, Orisa too weak.
DPS: Sombra, Bastion too weak.

Borderline issues with Baptiste and Symm too weak.

I feel like problem heroes fall into the following categories

Crutches - Heroes that are basically designed to be super easy and accessible, to the point where without them, players can’t even PLAY the game. Because they never learned the necessary habits or skills. Moira is a perfect example, Good players can play her, and be fine without her, but people who only play her, are basically not going to know what to do when forced to pick a different support.

Overspecialized - Heroes that are basically meant to be played in very specific maps, comps, etc, to the point where playing them in any other map, comp, or situation, is a detriment to your team. These kind of heroes are just flat out poorly designed. Nothing else to say about it. Bastion is the PERFECT example.

Reliant - Heroes like Sombra who are really powerful with a coordinated team, but useless outside of that. They can’t be used to their full potential because their team is either not enabling them to, or isn’t working with them well. This is the opposite of Bastion’s situation though, because in his case, the enemy can beat him if they are well coordinated. But in Sombra’s case, her biggest weakness is her own team, not the enemy outplaying her.

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I would agree with most of the ones u said but.
Sombra: if u buff her damage she enters near op area… imagine, if they uped her damage to s76 or higher…she gos invis and pops out of invis and kills a squishy before they can turn around and tps away. There is no counter for her invis unless widow can go back to geting her ult over and over like ahe use to…or the sombra randomly runs through a hanzo locator arrow. And crees stun dosnt last as long so she can escape easy from it now. She wouldnt need to hack anyone cuz she would destroy with her dps she would do. I would only say buff her damage but make her invis more like predators invis, movement make is distort a bit so if u watch carefuly u can see her move but she would keep her invis abilitys. And/or make her have a cast time for her self tp so its not instant.

Cree: if u nerf him much more he will be useless vs what/ who he is supose to counter, that being mobile heros.

Mei: could use a lot of changes so shes not just another low hp tank, but i know bliz wont be doing that anytime soon (their to busy with OW expantion pack 2

Sym: feels unless besides her tp and ult wall…

Moria if u shorten her range of her death suck it would nerf her just enough to not take away her power but make it so she cant hit u across the map (i know exaggeration there, but u get the point) as it is now it has a very long range to it. Im thinking old sym beem range would make more sense.

Echo: i would say reverse the way her beam works. If ur 100% hp it dos cazy dps but once u git 50% it tickles.

Those would be my 2 cents on that


I honestly don’t see Doomfist as a problem hero. This stomp or feed thing is just a system of “If you’re good at him, you do good with him” which goes for a lot of heroes :confused:

Not to mention he’s just in a bad place right now and most of his counters are meta.

but that’s why he needs attention. he has HARD counters, but if you leave him unchecked for too long in a match, he makes alotta people want to commit scooter ankle

the answer being, round his kit out some more.

IT would make sense if this was a good long time ago, but with his counters being straight up stronger than him? there’s no reason for him to go unchecked.



  • Baptiste could use a buff
  • Moira could be less annoying.


  • Buffs for Symmetra (+50hp, +3m extra beam range),
  • Buffs for Bastion (for Recon, Tank and QoL)
  • Buffs for Torb (a little bit)
  • Move Mei to Tank Role and buffs
  • Add Counterplay to SombraUlt, then buff her normal capabilities
  • Doom could be less annoying

yeah, but like if you’re a dps and your backline is just getting REKT, and you don’t switch, your supports just die. but once you change to something that counters him, (sombra, brig, tracer, junkrat) doom just gets fully nullified.

that’s why he’s a problem, because he SUCKS, but is annoying

as long as we’re in agreement he sucks lmao

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I agree, im very bad at doom cuz everytime i say “im gonna practice him” i get in the game and i go and hop into the enemy and look they have a sombra…really …like how did they know i was gonna go him? Lol so i will forever suck with doom.

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For Sombra, I wish they’d give her 4 extra rounds in her gun. 64 bullets would fit with the character so well, and it would help just a tiny bit with her overall DPS. I think reducing her spread anymore would be a bad idea, though. She can already farm tanks at a distance and zen is practically her b**** for how his hitbox matches her spread perfectly.

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not to mention that emp makes him dead.

Yeah, I think so.

Problem heroes:

Reinhardt - Absolutely dominate tanking below GM. Needs to be nerfed, or changed in some way so he’s not the only viable tank in lower ranks.
Orisa - Was over-nerfed and is terrible.
Sombra - another excessively nerfed, terrible hero.
Hanzo - back to meme grade after his last nerfs.
Symmetra - doesn’t really work in her current form.
Echo - excessively good ult, trapping other players in their hero pick is just sloppy programming.
Baptiste- was over-nerfed, the only legitimately terrible support.

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