Anyone else struggling to get or maintain positive win rate?

Last season and this season my streaks have been horrible currently there is a 13 game difference between my wins and losses, making my loss rate way higher than my win rate, im trying everything I can to the best of my ability but it just doesnt matter what I do, i cant make up for this horrible matchmaker and the consistency of horrible teammates


The entire competitive system is garbage in this game. Once the system thinks it has found your rank, it does almost everything to keep you there.

I am speaking as someone who has two accounts: One new, one that I have had since OW1. My older account has artifacts in its ranking, causing me to be stuck in Plat on DPS. My brand new account is Master’s on the same role.

Blizz has had this issue forever; original WOTLK arenas suffered from similar MMR-related issues.


I appreciate someone posting this


Only pretty recently returned to steady playing and thinking may as well leave again.

Rare to find a good game, with good teammates, that’s more or less an even match. Usually my team most are in comms (good comms) and generally stomp the enemy OR my team isn’t talking (or if they are it’s random junk and usually toxic), half my team diving in alone or ulting well after the rest of the team has died, and getting absolutely rolled.

If 13 is a massive difference, you’re probably not playing enough comp because you’re attached to your rank, and afraid of ever losing. Stop warming up or procrastinating for hours in quickplay in order to play just a couple comp matches; treat comp as your main mode, come what may. That doesn’t mean you have to tryhard, just relax and treat every match as a learning experience. Try to have fun.

That being said, if you do find yourself steadily deranking over the course of a lot of games, you might just be struggling to adjust to balance changes. There’s no easy fix, you’ll need to think about what’s changed these couple seasons and how that might impact your playstyle, then make the necessary adjustments.

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AI bots.
Blizz using AI bots to fill teams and control your W/L.
Im convinced of it.


I literally only play comp every day lmao I don’t touch QP with a 10ft poll unless someone asks me. Atm since it’s only the start of the season kinda im at 80 games played 33 wins 47 losses

As for this it’s a hard disagree. Do I need to make some adjustments? Probably but those adjustments will not fix the hard stomps and brain dead teammates I am assigned almost every single game

I doubt it is to control win loss.

But AI bots would explain some teammates.

Ah, my mistake, it sounded like you were talking about this season and last season.

Gonna have to hard disagree right back, because it looks like you’re basically playing Mercy every game, plus Moira (I’m assuming) when you’re trying to salvage a losing game. Not trying to be rude, I like playing Mercy as well, I just don’t think she’s the universal pick she used to be. And while I don’t play Moira enough to really comment on her state of game balance, I do think everyone’s really used to playing against her at this point, so she has to work harder to get value.

At present I’m finding Zen goes hard in more pokey matches, Illari in more brawly situations or when you need bigger healing output. Gotta be able to land your shots in either case, but I’ve been sitting on a massive win rate for like the past week. Obviously there are other options, it looks like you play some Ana and a bit of Kiri as well, but the long and short of it is you probably need to diversify away from Mercy/Moira.

no, 53% winrate and still ranking down lol, ranked is just messed up rn

This game attracts a lot of non-gamers, You know the ones without a real competitive bone. The same that complains about “toxicity” and words. I’ve personally gone back to Halo:Infinite for comp, Just using overwatch to make , boost and sell accounts at this point

You could try one thing… Actually playing with a party, the only variable in this game that works against you is strangers + not in voice

If your win rate has stagnated you are likely at your ‘peak’ until you change something about your play or improve in general, depending on your role

The whole ‘i’ve stopped climbing therefore game is broken’ just doesn’t make any sense, I am a very casual player, high gold low plat, if you put me in a Bronze lobby, I get some serious stats, which proves that the difference in rank and skill plays a massive part, same with you, 1000sr above/below your WR would be drastically effected…

It’s not because i’m playing 3 ranks below and the game suddenly graces me with skill… Likewise if I go into Masters the game hasn’t ‘decided’ I should lose… It’s me…


People really buy silver accounts? oO

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No need for bots. Most players are bad. Because of EBMM you have to play with them, this gives the other team a free win. Once your loss streak cycle is over you get to shoot them. Rinse/Repeat.

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and thats exactly what im trying to do but again my changes arent changing what i stated about the constant state of my matches. i can play x healer and x healer for this map or this comp but its not changing the fact that im getting constant tricklers, w key players, dps flanking when its not needed etc etc my gameplay will not fix that its great that ur on a good streak but u are not me and i am not u ur experience doesnt invalidate mine

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I am climbing terribly slow, like terribly slow. I still do not fully understand how this rank calculations work. I won 5 games in a row last night, lost the 6th one and it hit me with a reversal losing 22%. Won the next game and gained 21%. How do reversals even work? When do you get them? I find it stupid to win 5 games in a row lose next one and get a reversal.

So many times it happened that when I lose I have to win the next 2 to combat the loss and get to a positive again. I wish they would give more explanation to how the calculations work.

The game has been broken since the start. A few of us who have been here a long time remember when they used to allow streaks to happen where you would lose literally 20 matches at a time. After awhile they tweaked that and the loss streaks went down to around 7-8 matches, sometimes 12 or so.

Whoever programmed this should never be allowed to use their ideas again, it’s honestly the worst matchmaking I’ve ever witnessed in my life.

Sad that I could fix it in around a month and these bois have been trying to figure it out for 6+ years.

Doesn’t answer the question.

Nah you don’t, you don’t even understand how it works…

TBC arena on the other hand was perfect. Kept you playing better, higher rates opponents on win streak and making you lose less while winning more. Aka when your MMR trailed your rating it made your rating catch up until they evened out. OW is just static MMR and if it can’t match you with opponents it handicaps you. Rating is meaningless since it moves down or up at the same rate. Losses or wins give the exact same regardless if you rank is higher or lower than your MMR. Games above your MMR will be easier thou coz you teammates will be much better than when the opposite is true. Hence why losing sucks and gaining rank is hard.

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