Anyone else sick of Mercy ideas?

Most are pretty bad, but there’s some gems

No, it isn’t. The Devs could do a 100 different things to make Mercy fun and balanced, giving her mass rez on Q with Valk on E isn’t the “only way”.

That’s just your singular opinion; the Devs could do a lot with Mercy’s kit.


The best thing that I’ve personally been able to come up with is some type of charge system. You get a charge every ten secs, capping at three. You can use a charge to burst heal an ally, or you can use all three on a dead ally to rez them. It adds a bit of thought to it.

For some reason people think that telling people on the forums will make Blizzard notice their great ideas and implement them in game.

Blizzard has never done anything suggested in the forums that they haven’t already planned on doing.

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No, I love the idea and I supported it all the way, but I wish people would stop spamming these same ideas over and over again as if Blizz is suddenly gonna be like “ermehgersh theyre right, lets do that right now”

And yet the one thing they DID do made Mercy an OP must-pick, despite all the warnings against it.

People have posted other good ideas, too. But many agree that Resurrect is too powerful to be a simple cooldown ability.

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Im tired of people complaing about Mercy in general, especially when it comes to “tired of seeing Mercy” threads. You’re just adding wood to the already large fire. I want to see her fixed as much as the next guy, but im not creating threads that discuss ideas that can be found in the mega thread and Titania’s thread

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This doesn’t work at all on consoles.

They don’t even have an “E” or “Q” button.

Currently my favorite is:

  • 55hps on staff
  • 🍢 [Mercy] Spear of the Valkyrie
  • And either shave a few tenths of a second off of Rez, or move single Rez to a separate secondary ultimate, with instant/nearly-instant cast time.

I’m all for letting people vent. It’s better to keep the anger here and off the actual game.

I think people know the devs won’t be swayed by their opinion. It’s a matter of being able to voice it that helps.

I mean at least they’re trying to get their hero fixed.
Look at McCree, second worst dps in the game (Bastion being the worst) and there’s nothing on here save a select few just trying to be noticed. I’d kill to have the kind of support Mercy does for the characters I play.

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Thats because Rez on E will never work. It needs to go back to its proper place, aka, an Ultimate. Where it was actually underpowered but fun… until Blizzard added the stupid buff.

That or get rid of Rez for good. But instead of whining like you do, how about you come up with some fun ideas for Mercy that involve not having Rez then?

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Valk on E with mass rez would arguably be even more broken than Mercy 2.0

Well why do so many people post about it? Maybe because Mercy got an awful rework that most Mercy mains never wanted. So now we want changes again. Blizzard now doesnt answer us anymore or doesnt seem to listen (yes I know they say they do that but I doubt they care much) but people will still spam their ideas till something happens again. If that something is another rework or a revert for Mercy doesnt matter. Otherwise you can wait till the game dies for the Mercy threads to disapear.


I’m not really tired of them but I don’t really read them anymore unless they come up as part of a larger balance discussion. The chances of an idea being implemented or swaying the devs are extremely low, and I’d rather just play the game or do something else instead.

Hey, how does mass rez on cast time sound like!
3 days later
Hey, how does mass rez on cast time sound like!


20 comments on the same post:
“Hey, how does mas rez on cast time sound!”

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20 comments on the same post:
Complaining about Mercy revert threads instead of providing helpful ideas

The irony.

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Yes. I am tired of all the threads complaining about Mercy. All the same ideas, viewpoints, frustrations and comments have been shared. Every thread is a variation of the same theme. And it’s annoying to the extreme.

There are heroes who are in much worse shape than Mercy. Let the devs rework them first before considering Mercy.

…then don’t use the forums and stop complaining about them maybe?