Anyone else quitting?

Uhm no, when there was a too much derivation in “moba” the game start declining.

Blizzard are now finally try to save the game make this a better competitive fps multyplayer.

Is normal people not adapt to a the new competitive gameplay leaving.


I had that a few months ago

Quit for a good few moths, came back and destroyed again…i probably needed the break

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Things aren’t looking good for this game. I think I’ll have to quit too.


The game launch as more of a moba and lasted for year until now.

so you are telling me its doing better now? Dps q time skyrocketing because no one wants to tank, pro players leaving left and right, owl views going down and players leaving because of bad balancing?

I really dont think so.


Lucky you, I main and Hammond. Imagine all the reports I get per day, and all the reports I will get now that Rein-Zarya will be must picks.

And yes, right now I’m playing more time dps (I have more fun looking at queue screen than being insulted due my tank picks).


Overwatch started declining around two years ago thanks to too much shield and cc.

Is normal people leaving and not want watch if the game is become a stale gameplay and where people skill is limited.

Any change is good now, even if only partial, but for good solution we must wait bigger changes.

Ok nvm that more people watched owl with goats than now with dps like genji getting 6k every fight… ok its getting better /s.

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Ok i understand your type, if you want more easy gameplay there are other game.

Blizzard are trying to make overwatch a more true competitive game.

Game is reaching the situation where is only adapt or die, they must change the gameplay if they want to make the game survive.

may i ask, where aspect do u perceive to be a more ‘true competitive game"’? do u mean more FPS oriented ? if saying so, there are far more better games out there


Sure i played for years specially the more adapt game series to have this name.

But why overwatch can’t become a better competitive game?

The too much “moba” gameplay make the game declining for years, is normal Blizzard will try to change, specially with ow2 give them more fresh blood.

Is a good occasion to make the game better, actual players can accept this change or leave the game to declining till Blizzard cut the support.

Add me on titanfall 2 :smiley:

im a slutty monarch main


I already quit support last patch when Brig got a triple nerf

Not quitting Pharah though, the last hero I only really play anymore, esp since she got a small buff+nerf so it shakes things up for me


true. keep berfing tanks blizzard.
this game is dying so quickly no need CPR


If I wanted to play Valorant… I’D PLAY VALORANT. So I might have to find a different genre altogether cause clearly, they’re done with fps hybrid and are catering to the same players that play literally every other fps game.


Support main, but play a lot of tank. Orisa most played, and play pretty much every hero in both roles except Zen, Rein, and Ball.

I’m hanging in there. Still having fun. Although, the entirety of that fun is in QP, ExC, and customs. The range of pressure to outright hate I got every game when I wouldn’t play Rein was too much for me. Comps not worth it to me anymore.

Now I’m mostly waiting out for OW2, and messing around with heroes I actually enjoy playing.


I was close to getting my Sigma golden gun, so yeah I’m a bit bummed.

Iam not sure if i quit.

But iam seriously at the point to consider it.

Its not looking good, no content, terrible patches, hackers.

I rarely have fun anymore.


Naah, i moved over from tank to tankbuster. I have OW running in the background as i work so queue times aren’t an issue and have two tanks to go after every game.

Mei plays like a tank, and i have a hacker and sentient turret as well for dealing with them.

They don’t want you to tank, so don’t tank and go anti-tank instead. Use your tank experience to make the enemy tanks life hell. You can have fun that way.


I’ve been playing a lot less. Only picked up recently due to Summer Games. Even then I stop after I get the skins.

I just returned after not playing for over a year and I have formulated the same opinion that caused me to quit back then… Blizzard doesn’t learn and they patch the game based on META to garner views for OWL rather than the actual issues.

So I cannot say for certain that I will be quitting, but I can say I will be playing less and am extremely discouraged from playing tank and support which suck because upon returning to the game those were the roles I leaned towards and a mere 25 credits ain’t gonna make me.