Anyone else miss the old rank icons?

Tbh…yes lol you see them all the time

100% YES! I want my border back.

I don’t bother remembering details to things I don’t see the need for. It’s the same reason why I can’t remember the combinations for Ryu in Street Fighter despite playing the game for years.

We will never get them back.

There would be a huge backlash against the OW team if they gave a tool that clearly proves players that Competitive mix them from very different ranks / elos together…

And since they don’t have the playerbase to have balanced matches, and don’t want to have the slow queues issue again… You will have to deal with not having rank icons anymore.

Yeah one of the worst changes they made. The icon colors don’t make any sense the way they are now. I’m very often confused what rank someone is despite knowing that purple is GM and blue is Diamond. They’re just so confusing in the heat of the moment

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Try memorizing entropy.

The more variables you add to a problem, the greater the degree that system becomes unpredictable. You’re suggesting that the average person can just ignore the laws of thermodynamics?

The OG icons were best but at least they tried to fix the new ones a bit.

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