Anyone else having trouble headshotting mercy as widow

for some reason for me mercy is by far the hardest hero to headshot. anyone else having this problem?

Mercy? Try Hanzo when he has his bow pulled, my gut and eyes are telling me that I’m hitting his head but the game’s telling me no…

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Her arm blocks her headshots sometimes. This is why some of them spin around when they’re rezzing because it messes up their head hitbox by blocking it.


Its a tactical thing? I always thought the Mercy was having a spasm and regretting her decision of reviving her teammate, or atleast that is why I do it anyways.

It’s to mess up your shots on her, as well as a distraction. It’s tactical in most cases. Other cases it’s probably “omg what am i doing with my life!”.


Honestly, I have a hard time headshotting anything as Widow.

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A lot of people have issues hitting Mercy when she’s stationary. It’s not a Widow problem.

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For me it’s because of mercys hand that I ussally end up bodyshoting em

Hanzo with the Okami skin feels impossible to hit

Aim for the neck 20char

Since you mentioned it:

I have not tested this myself. But if true, yay!


I don’t play Widow, but when Mercy is Moth Mode I can barely hit her. Her hitbox is so weird

Now take Genji’s hitbox during his double jump and dash.
Now that is some noodle business…

I don’t even try to hit Genji during dash, but I don’t struggle with Genji that much. Definitely not as much as Mothcy.

I’d say Hammond is by far the hardest hero to headshot, but I’m not a Widow main so…

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i hit her as hanzo and mccree easily